The Top 10 | Fall Fashion Trends

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 10 Fall Fashion Trends

I love fashion, and I’ll be having the baby just in time to slip back into some Fall fashion!  I’ve been paying close attention to the upcoming trends, seeing what the celebrities are wearing, what’s in stores, and what I see on people when I’m out and about.  A lot of the trends are super transition pieces, or you can literally where them all year long.  I love this because, I recently did a clothing haul and I think, with the except of the harem pants and a few others on the list, I didn’t do half bad!  Plus, with baby coming the shopping shifts from me to baby…for pretty much the rest of eternity, or until baby (and subsequent child, God-willing we have more) get 18 or actually that’s 22 with college and all.
As I digress, here’s my list of the top 10 Fall fashion trends:

1. Striped tees

2. High waisted shorts/pants

3. Ankle boots

4. Scarves

5. Graphic tees

6. Leather minis

7. Cardigans

8. Harem pants

9. Neon accessories

10. Floral Dresses

Are you onboard with Fall fashion?  What do you think will be the standout from the list? – I can tell you for me it’s the floral dresses, leather mini, and ankle boots!  I feel as if those three are the most cutting edge, yet versatile when transitioning from day or night or season to season.Got a Top 10?  Link it up below and grab the button to display on your top 10 post.