The lovely Mrs. Tee over at LoveLifeLaughter nominated me for me second Sunshine Award! How awesome is that!
I’m a little behind on accepting my nomination, with having a baby and all, but I never forgot about it. I’m totally stoked to have been nominated and be a recipient of the Sunshine Award. Its another way to give recognition to fellow bloggers and pay it forward.
Mrs. Tee vlogged her acceptance, so I decided to follow suit and do so as well. I really enjoy vlogging, and will totally be including more of it into my posts. In the meantime, lets get to that award:
Here are my 11 Blogger Nominees for the Sunshine Award. By accepting this award, you are building community, networking, and connecting…isn’t that what blogging’s all about?! So go ahead and slap that award on your blog and shine that ray sun on your blog!
1. Joy In The Midst Of
2. Mail4Rosey
8. Davenport DIY
11. Patience In The Jungle
Sunshine Award Rules:
♥Thank and recognize your Nominating Blogger
♥Give 11 random facts about yourself
♥Answer the 11 questions given by your Nominating Blogger
♥Pick 11 Bloggers Nominees
♥Post 11 questions for your Nominees (you can not nominate your Nominating Blogger)
My 11 Nominee Questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
2. Do you have a pet peeve? If so what is it, and does it just drive you crazy or those around you too?
3. Summer or Winter?
4. Mountains or the Beach?
5. If you had a million dollars, and 24 hrs to spend it in, how would you spend it?
6. If you had to go one day without modern technology, how would you spend it?
7. Would you rather be hot or cold, and why?
8. What’s your favorite gemstone?
9. What’s your favorite beverage (alcoholi/non-alcoholic)?
10. If you could have your dream car, what kind would it be?
11. Do you prefer to cook or eat out?
I’m so excited to hear/see your answers, so be sure to let me know of your acceptance!
Congrats on the award! It’s such a fun way to share the bloggy love!
Emma @ P is for Preschooler recently posted…Easy Bird Toy (and fine motor practice) {Fine Motor Fridays}
Thanks so much! It really is and is such a fun way to do so.
Congrats! I have found lots of great new blogs through these awards
Ashley @ recently posted…Good Morning Grasshopper Thanksgiving Giveaway!
Thanks so much! I have found a good bit of new blogs through awards as well. They’re really a great way to pay it forward!
Awww! So happy to be someone you count as a role model…I’m so flattered! You did amazing! I love your Vlog and I think it is so cool that you chose to answer in this way
“I’m perfectly fine with no overcoming that” So funny about your spider fear. I hate them to but I don’t think I can ‘sense their presence’ So Cute!
Crayons!?!?! Girl you aer cracking me up this morning! I love the smell of crayons but yeah what is your baby gonna color with? LOL TIP: They have the new Twistables…the crayon in within a plastic tube! That should totally help you out
Tiffany recently posted…NaBloPoMo November {8} – I Can Do Daily…
Thanks so much! I know, I know with the crayons…everyone has the same response. Even I know its ridiculous, but we can thank my brother for that. I did not know about these Twistables. I hope they’re still around when my kids get old enough to color. Thanks for letting me know about them, because I was concerned for real, lol!