NaBloPoMo | What’s In My Fridge

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If only I had one of these!


My fridge is always stocked full, yep I got enough food to feed a football team!  Lies!  It totally isn’t…considering I’ve only been able to make one good shopping trip since baby got here.  I do however keep my staples on hand always and a few other things to snack on.  As a food lover, I was excited when I saw this prompt, because I love being able to talk about food.  So here’s what’s in my fridge and how I feel about them.  I’ll spare you actual pictures, because its so not impressive! ;-)

Simply Orange OJ – Hubs loves OJ and this is pretty much the only brand we buy and drink.

Land O Lakes Butter – Gotta have it on hand for many reasons, cooking, baking, etc.  I always have both salted and unsalted.  Salted for cooking and serving, unsalted for baking.

Ground Sirloin – Beef…its what’s for dinner tomorrow.  I actually need to section this out a freeze it.  Just picked it up last night.

Apple Sauce – Another Hubs & I staple.  I love applesauce, every flavor except Hubby’s fave:  Apple Cinnamon.

Yoplait Yogurt – One word:  Red Raspberry.  Nuff said!

Okay, so I know I said I’d spare you a pic, but I decided to include one anyways.  I felt the post needed that personal touch. 

This is my fridge, there are many like it, but this one is mines:


What’s in your fridge? – Do you have any staples that you always keep on hand? If, so what are they and why are they your staples?

NaBloPoMo November 2013


6 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo | What’s In My Fridge

  1. Hmmm what are our staples? Vanilla almond milk, organic spinach, feta and Parmesan cheese, water, organic eggs, strawberries and grapefruit or one or the other. :) . We buy butter sometimes but I could mostly with extra virgin olive oil.
    Brittnei recently posted…My Profile

    • Looks like you all eat super healthy! We usually use extra virgin olive oil for everything too, its so multi-purposeful. I love grapefruit and strawberries, I usually have one or other on hand if not both myself.

  2. I was going to say! That photo is the most beautiful and neat fridge ever.
    Ours always has milk and eggs and bread, and this time of year, cider! Always. And a giant thing of my husband’s homemade vegetable stew.
    Tamara recently posted…Beware of Darkness.My Profile

    • Lol, I’d love to take credit for it, but I can’t. When I had my son, my family came into to town and my mom and brother cleaned it out for us. All I’ve really had to do is maintain it. ;-)

      I do have to say, I always have eggs on hand too…can’t believe I forgot to include them! Veggy stew sounds so good, I could totally go for some right now!

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