Chicken Penne Alfredo

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Savory, cheesy, and creamy!  These are the three words that describe my Chicken Penne Alfredo.  I had to share the recipe with you all, because it was just too good not to!

What I Used:

2 chicken breasts
1 jar of Alfredo sauce
1 cup of shredded Italian 5 cheese blend
1/2 cup of shredded Mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cup of Mini Penne Pasta
Olive Oil
Italian seasoning
How I did it:

Cut chicken breast into cubed pieces, coat with olive oil and salt and pepper. Pour enough olive oil in bottom of sauce pan to coat it and add chicken to pan on medium-hi heat. Once chicken starts to cook, turn heat down to medium and let cook for about 5-7 minutes. Pour off excess oil and fat from chicken and stir in your Alfredo sauce. Next add your seasonings in, turn heat to medium-lo and let cook for roughly 5 mins. Lastly add in cheese, by slowly stirring it in until melted, cover and let cook on medium-lo for 10-12 minutes. Turn your oven down to the lowest setting, mines is simmer, and let simmer until ready to serve.

IMG_1278Takes less than an hour to prepare and cook. Makes roughly 4 servings.

Happy eatings!


14 thoughts on “Chicken Penne Alfredo

  1. Looks delicious! Do you have a favorite brand of Alfredo sauce? I bought a jar once and it was so bad that I’m afraid to try again!
    Melissa recently posted…

    • Thanks so much! For this recipe I used Classico and really liked it. It didn’t taste fake like some of the ones I’ve had in the past. They left a bad taste in my mouth, no pun intended. It was one of the things I was most worried about when I picked out the sauce. Classico is a little more pricey than some of the other ones, but I feel like the quality and taste made up for it.

  2. Looks Good…I havent made this in a while I think it may be on the menu next week!

    Stopping by from the Sorry not Social Link Up
    Carissa recently posted…

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