Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions

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So its the second day of the new year and by now, most people have already broken their New Years resolutions.  I’ve totally been guilty of it before.  Heck, I’ve been guilty of breaking them within hours of making them.  This is the exact reason I don’t make them anymore or rather never really made them or took them serious.

My brother and I were sitting watching the Kathy and Anderson on CNN’s New Year’s Eve Countdown and they started talking about New Year’s resolutions.  We both looked at each and said the same thing: “why bother?”

Elena couldn’t have said it any better:


It’s a new year, a fresh start, the perfect time to make new goals, right?!  Well, for some maybe but for me, not so much.  I’m more of a practical kind of girl.  Instead of making a list of maybe 5 or 10 things to accomplish throughout the year, I’d rather just make who and how I want to be a way of life.  I want those things to be a part of me, so that I don’t have to think about doing them everyday.  These are things like praying, building a relationship with God, taking time out for myself.  The new year isn’t the perfect time to make resolutions, it’s the perfect time to start a new life.  To be me that’s one full of love, forgiveness, confidence, and faith.  However, I don’t need January 1 to come around to empower me with these things.  They are simply the things I do or strive to do every day, they are a state of being…not something I mark off a list.


2 thoughts on “Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions

  1. Loving the videos! I don’t make resolutions ever. I do think about ways to be more, or even less. (like less bitter/jealous/angry, etc.)
    It was such a big year for you, like you said, and your goals/needs/ideas will change, I imagine! The baby is so young still. (and so cute!)
    Tamara recently posted…Just A Bit More Looking Back.

    • I totally agree with your more/less mindset! I’d say if anything, that’s the same approach I take when it comes to resolutions and goals. It really was a big year, lol! Here’s to 2014 being an even bigger one! :-)

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