What’s In My Labor & Delivery Hospital Bag

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Baby can literally come any day now, even though my due date is still about 2 weeks away. I thought it was fitting that I get my bag together for the hospital. Most of the items will be last minute drop-ins, but a few are things that are essential. I put off getting my bag together, because I tend to get overwhelmed when it comes to packing in general.Even packing for a day trip, I want to pack the whole house, or at least my closet. I really tried to streamline my list and pack only what’s needed, because I also had to pack baby’s bag. We will have more than enough stuff at the hospital, so I saw no need in overpacking. I’ll tell you I’m pretty proud of myself. Having my bag ready to go takes some huge pressure off, because when I go into labor the last thing I want to think about is packing a bag. Hubs & I just have a few last minute things to do with getting the house extra clean and ready, and we’ll be set to go. Well that and getting the carseat installed.

So here’s what I have so far:

Hospital Bag
After labor outfit
Slippers/sleep socks
Nursing bras/tank top
Phone charger
Gown (2)
Mascara, concealer, lip gloss/Chapstick
Water bottle/cup
Lanolin cream
Nursing pads
Witch Hazel

And…I have a few questions for you: Anything I need to add? Did you have your bag set to go ahead of time or did wait until labor started? What were your go-to items while in labor, that were just for you? – Can’t wait to here!


8 thoughts on “What’s In My Labor & Delivery Hospital Bag

    • I sure am trying to be! The mascara and concealer will most likely be for after baby is born, but I’m not gonna lie I would like to look nice while in labor. ;-)

  1. Just keep breathing and don’t flip out if it doesn’t go as planned.

    Glad to be following your blog. As a mom of a freshman in high school (when did that happen) and one who was too afraid to have the epidural, I can tell you that you can pack the best hospital bag and not use any of it. It’s still wise to be prepared.

  2. Pingback: What's in Baby's Bag | New Mama Diaries

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