What I’ve Learned From Daily Blogging

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I a few days late on this prompt, because I decided to post some original content instead.  However, I really wanted to do this prompt, because it is so applicable to me and the way I blog.

Before starting this challenge I posted pretty much everyday, so it hasn’t been a huge transition.  I know there’s a lot of debate in the blogging community about post frequency.  Some say you should post often, some say not so often, while others say just be consistent. I agree with the latter.  Whether you post daily like I do, or once a week, consistency is key when it comes to what your readers expect.

I post daily, because it keeps me on track and disciplined with posting.  However, if I don’t have anything good to post, then I don’t.  It doesn’t bother me supremely to miss a day, but I know myself.  It’ll start off with missing one day, then two, then three, and next thing I know I’ve missed an entire week. 

Blogging is fun for me, as well an outlet.  So, I honestly don’t see it as work, even with a newborn.  I don’t have as much time to blog as I did when I was pregnant, because I’m constantly engaging or catering to my son, but I still make time to do it.  Its those few minutes I can steal away for myself, to do something for me.  As a mother they come few and far between, but I appreciate them.  I love blogging and I’m so excited to see my blog grow and where it takes me.

What about you? – How often do you blog? Do you see blogging as an outlet or more as a task?  

NaBloPoMo November 2013


2 thoughts on “What I’ve Learned From Daily Blogging

  1. Blogging is an outlet for me. I try to publish a new post at least 3 to 5 times out of the week. My goal is to step that up to at least 6 days a week. If I don’t feel truly inspired to write then I don’t. Since blogging is a hobby for me I don’t ever want to do it out of obligation.
    Tia recently posted…Ask Away FridayMy Profile

    • I couldn’t agree more! The times I do feel obligated are actually the times when I don’t post. I feel like that energy can come across in my posts.

      I think it’s great that you want to increase the frequency of your posts. I enjoy your posts and look forward to reading more! :-)

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