Recognizing and Dealing with Baby Growth Spurts


My 6 week old son is a chunk!  We (really just me) actually call him chunk chunk, or the more endearing term chunk-chunk-chunk-a-lot.  He’s gotten to be such a chunk, because he loves to nurse.  From birth he’s been an excellent nurser with an extremely healthy appetite.  However, sometimes this healthy appetite becomes quite demanding, especially during a growth spurt. Continue reading

NaBloPoMo | Surrendering To Change


I’d love to be cliché and say I would change nothing about myself, but that wouldn’t be true.  Since my blog is a space of integrity, even if it means baring my soul every now and then, I must come to you all honestly.  I’m human, so that means I’m imperfect, which in turn means that there are many things I would change about myself if I could.  In no way, however, does this mean I’m unhappy with myself.  I’m very happy, especially at this point in my life.  Every day I’m growing more and more into the woman I want to be.  As a mother, wife, daughter, sister, etc. I’m a better version of who I was when I was younger.

As I evolve in all of these areas, I expect change to occur.  I welcome change, although I don’t do well with uncertainty.  I have posted here and here, about my qualms with uncertainty.  I try my best to be as prepared as possible, but of course you can’t account for every single thing that happens in life.  I’m realizing this more and more since becoming a mother.  In the two weeks I’ve been one, I’ve already learned some pretty tough lessons.  Some of these lessons have hit me to my core, while others I’ve been able to take in stride.

I’ve experienced a huge change in my life, my marriage, and many of the relationships I have/had with family and friend recently.  I’d like to be able to accept these changes with an open, and if need be forgiving heart.  I have a pretty hard exterior, but a soft core.  While I wouldn’t change that about myself, I would like to work on keeping a better balance of the two.  Change will always occur, so if anything I would “change” or hope to change over time would be my ability to deal with it in the healthiest and drama-free way possible.

What would you change about yourself? Anything at all or are you completely content with who you are right now? – I’d love to hear your insight or experience!

NaBloPoMo November 2013




Baby This Week | 36 Weeks

Baby This Week | 36 WeeksAlrighty, welcome to week 36!  People, the countdown is nearly over.  Can you believe it?!  We are honeydew melon status this week and only getting bigger, so hear goes!

The Facts – Baby’s head is specially designed to travel through the cervix and pelvis. The bones in the skull aren’t fused together yet; this loose construction makes baby’s head very shapeable so it can squeeze through the birth canal without harming them or myself. The bones will gradually fuse over the first year of life.  Little one weighs approximately between 4.2- to 5.8- pounds this week and measures nearly 19-21inches.  Baby will continue to develop about a half ounce of fat a day.  Baby has a few final developments taking place in week 37:

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