Pregnancy Knowledge | Postpartum Healing Pads

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PPHPHaving my body heal properly after baby I extremely important to me. I’ve heard so many things to do before and after baby, that its been a bit overwhelming. The one thing that sparked my attention in preparing for life postpartum was the aloe vera/lavender pads. You make these ahead of time and freeze them, so that the ingredients are permeated into them. I wanted to share the “recipe” for how to put these together, for any of my expectant moms. These would also be good for anyone who has a situation down below that might make them sensitive or possible in pain.


What I used:
100% pure Aloe Vera gel
100% certified organic lavender essential oil
Witch Hazel
Regular maxi pads *I usually wear thin w/ wings, but decided to go with the old fashion regular ones. I will, if need be make some pads with the thins ones.
Aluminum foil

How I did it:
Unwrap pad from wrapper. Spread a generous dollop of aloe vera gel all over the pad. Pour about 2-3 drops at most on the pad. I would do a drop at the top, middle, and back of the pad. Fold and wrap pad back up and wrap how every many you have up in aluminum foil and freeze.

By freezing them, they will be ready for you once you get home from the hospital or whatever birthing setting you have. The aloe vera is cooling and the lavender is soothing. There are plenty of other ingredients you can use to facilitate healing, I recommend Googling “postpartum pads” if you want to see reference other recipes. I’m pretty sensitive, so I strayed from using anything outside of the aloe vera gel and lavender essential oil. To be honest, I almost didn’t get the oil, because I was so weary, but considering the properties, I thought it was a good idea.

I got the aloe vera gel at Wal-mart, you can get higher quality aloe vera gels at health food stores or whole food store. Of course you can find pads anywhere and I got the lavender essential oil at Vitamin Shoppe. You can also get it at health food or whole food store, or here on Amazon.

*I guess* I’ll do a review on these at some point and let you all know how they did or didn’t facilitate in my healing and recovery after baby arrives. Odds are that I’ll probably mention a little blurb somewhere in my postpartum updates. :-)


20 thoughts on “Pregnancy Knowledge | Postpartum Healing Pads

  1. I’ve never heard of this! I know people that use witch hazel for thingsl like hemrroids after pregnancy. I just used a regular pad. I think I applied some cream they gave me and took like tylenol for the initial pain because I had an episotomy, but that is all. This sounds awesome and soothing for sure! I’m going to pin ths for you lady! xoxo
    Brittnei recently posted…

    • I’d never heard of it either until it was mentioned in my FB pregnancy group. I thought what a nifty idea, so I had to do it! I’m all for anything that’s going to facilitate me healing and getting back to 100% quicker. Thanks for pinning hun!:-)

  2. Wow! What a great idea. I have never heard of those before, but I would have LOVED to have had them after giving birth to my daughter. Please update with how they work. I would love to know in case I ever decide to go for #2! I will look forward to reading your update.

    Thanks so much for linking up with Mommy Moments!
    Becky @

    • I so glad I ran across them before I have baby. I’ve they do wonders for helping to heal, so I’m very excited to find out. Maybe you could try them out if you have baby #3! :-)

    • To be honest, I’ve heard nothing but great reviews on these. I’m fortunate I came across them before giving birth. I’m very interested to see how they work out for me.

      I look forward to linking up again!

  3. What a great idea! I wish I would have made these after my first two labors. I remember running around in depends afterwards with ice packs in the crotch. Not as comfortable or as beneficial as your healing pads.

    Thank you for stopping by Wine’d Down Wednesday! I hope to see you back next week!

    Best Wishes.

    • Thanks so much! I’m really eager to see how they work out. I’ve heard nothing but good reviews on them, so we shall see. I’m really hoping they are as comfortable as they look.!

      I look forward to linking up again in the future!

    • Your welcome! Wow, cloth pads sound like a great idea too. I’ll have to look into those. I only made a week’s worth of the padsicles, so depending on how they work out I might try cloth ones as well.

  4. What a great idea! Thanks for linking this up at the Mommy Moments Link Up last week! You were the most viewed link and are featured in this week’s link up. Congrats:)
    Faith recently posted…

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