Pregnancy Belly | Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

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Vanilla Buttercream Frosting from
This is a total pregnancy craving post, I make no other excuses.  I won’t be putting this icing on a cake, brownies, cookies, or anywhere else but my mouth, lol!  Although I do have to say that I’ve always had a love of icings and frosting.  It goes hand in hand with my love of batters.  Unfortunately, right now I’m having to abstain from eating my batters, since eating raw eggs are a no-no during pregnancy.  Can October come soon enough!?  Haha…just kidding, but I am super excited to meet my kid and eat cake batter and cookie dough again.  I know, I know, you say you can just make the eggless kind or dip and dabble in the batter or dough before you put the egg in.  NOT THE SAME!  I need the raw eggs!  Okay, okay…let me tune it down a bit and get back on subject.

So I’m kind of a plain Jane when it is comes to icing, frosting, and fillings.  I’m not a huge fan of fruit flavored ones or ones with coconut or any other gritty ingredient in them.  I stick to good old fashioned vanilla, so that is what I will be sharing with you today.
What you need:
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar
1 and 1/4 stick of unsalted butter
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoons whipping cream or milk
How you do it:
In a standing mixer fitted with a whisk, mix together sugar and butter. Mix on low speed until well blended and then increase speed to medium and beat for another 3 minutes.
Add vanilla and cream and continue to beat on medium speed for 1 minute more, adding more cream if needed for spreading consistency.
*Careful not to over mix and keep the speed of your mixer no higher than medium.
Takes less than 15 mins to put together.  
This recipe only makes about a cup of frosting, so if you are using it to ice a cake double or triple the ingredients.  I use this recipe for my quick sugar fix, not for actual baked goods.  It sets up nicely and would work great on a cake or cupcakes.  You can add cocoa to it or any flavor you wish.  The texture is light, fluffy, and smooth.


Happy bumping!


25 thoughts on “Pregnancy Belly | Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

  1. How adorable! When I was pregnant, we weren’t allowed anything with caffeine including chocolate. So, to satisfy those urges I ate pecan pie with vanilla ice cream. Had I known this trick, I might have only gained 75 pounds instead of the 92 I did gain. (I am 5 foot 2 inches tall and weighed 126 pre-pregnancy. By 5 months, people were asking how many days I had left!!! Or, was it triplets?)
    But that pecan pie totally helped so I didn’t regret it one bit! :)

    Thanks so much for sharing this on Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. Blessings,
    Sinea from Ducks ‘n a Row

    • LOL, thanks! I stayed away from caffeine in the first trimester, and even now I keep my caffeine intake to a minimum. Fortunately I don’t like coffee, but I do love chocolate and tea. I could imagine life without both, lol! That’s a lot of weight for a little lady, you were a real trooper. I’m all for whatever makes you happy though, sometimes you just have to indulge! Pregnancy is the one time you should not deprive yourself when it comes to anything that helps to get you through the journey!

      P.S: I may or may have not eaten an entire box of 100-count popsicles in a week. – I have my moments! :-)

      Thanks again!


  2. Hi! found you on Whimsey Wed blog hop. I am pregnant as well and like you love, love, love raw cookie uncooked cookie dough, and FROSTING! I prefer the frosting over the cake. This looks great and I will be making it. I actually just gave into my pregnancy craving for cookie dough the other night by making the eggless cookie dough meant only for eating and not for baking. Now following via FB.
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

    • Thanks so much for stopping by! I just came across another recipe for eggless cookie dough and I’m slowing breaking down to making it, even though I’d prefer the real stuff.

      I’ll be sure to stop by your blog as well!


  3. Mmmmmm! Yummy!
    My sweet husband would LOVE this!
    I am not a “frosting” person but I like home made versions like this one.
    A little goes a long way.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe with us.

  4. Looks wonderful! I would love for you to share and link up at my weekly TGIF Link Party if you haven’t already this week. Your favorite posts, most popular, recent or new! The party is open every Thursday night and closes Wednesday’s at midnight. Followed by (Not SO) Wordless Wednesday!
    I would be honored if you join us and follow to stay connected Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Cathy

  5. Hi Cathy! Thanks so much for stopping by and inviting me over to link up. I’m pretty sure I already have, since I love your blog on my Feedly feed. I love the concept of this link party and look forward to linking up again in the future!

    Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!


  6. Wow! Thanks so much for featuring me! I really hope you enjoy the frosting. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who loves to indulge in frosting.

    I’ll definitely be stopping by again to link this week!

    Thanks again!


  7. This sounds delicious whether you’re pregnant or not! Thanks so much for linking it up to our All Things Thursday Blog Hop last week. Hope you’ll be back to party with us again tonight at 8pm Central!

  8. I have been known to eat frosting without any cake or cupcakes being involved. lol I may have to try your recipe one day. The store bought frosting isn’t all that great… Homemade is always better. Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

    • Me too, lol…as we can see from my post! I’ll definitely take homemade over store bought any day. I always try to keep some ingredients on hand to whip some up, never know when that craving is going to hit.


    • It adds an extra creaminess, but whole milk works just as well. I’d probably use the whipping cream for a higher quality, lighter frosting. Either way, its all about the butter and sugar that makes a true buttercream. I can never get enough! :-)


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