Labor & Delivery Preparation | My Birth Plan

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With just a few weeks to go until baby is due, I thought I’d share my Birth Plan.  Let me preface by saying that even though I have a birth plan, being a first time mom I’m still keeping an open mind.  As much as I would love for everything to go according to the plan, I know that at the end of the day it comes down to God and the baby.

I got this birth plan from, but you can easily do a Good search for birth plans if you need help comprising your own.  The one I got was pretty comprehensive, so I didn’t feel the need to search for other ones.  It also had everything that I could think of as far as what I wanted in my birth plan.

*Click on each image to my actual plan.  You will most likely have to increase your zoom 125% or 150%

For my mamas and soon to be mamas, did/do you have a birth plan or just wing it?  If so, did you stick to it? – You don’t have to get super personal, I’m not trying to pry.  I just want to know your experience with having a birth plan.

Happy bumping!


17 thoughts on “Labor & Delivery Preparation | My Birth Plan

  1. Before I could truly develop a birth plan, I found out that I would have to get a c-section since my lil man refused to turn. Stubborn from the womb! But, I did consider what I would put into a birth plan, and as Joy mentioned, it was to avoid a high-level of pain at all costs. Thanks so much for sharing your post and the best to you and baby!

    Thanks so much for linking up to Turn It Up Tuesdays! We love having you! :)
    Natasha recently posted…GIVEAWAY: Kidz Gear Giveaway Event!My Profile

    • I completely understand that! That’s why it’s so important for me to keep an open mind. Fortunately my little one is head down, and hopefully baby stays that way up to labor.

      I look forward to linking up again! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

  2. Such an awesome thing to have before you give birth! I’m happy to say things went pretty much according to plan with my first one. You’re right though. Sometimes it doesn’t. But that’s ok too. As long as you and baby are healthy that’s what matters :) xoxo
    Brittnei recently posted…My Profile

  3. I had a birth plan, but it all went out the window when I woke up one morning b/c my water broke. I was then on the clock and had to have her within 24 hours or they would do a c-section, so they induced me and from there on out, I didn’t care about anything except getting the baby out of me! lol I do hope your birth goes as planned, but remember: regardless how your baby comes into the world, it will be a beautiful experience. :)
    Shanna recently posted…The McCain Grocery Goodness Giveaway ($500 in Free Groceries!)My Profile

    • At the end of the day, that’s what’s important is that the baby arrives safe and sound! No matter what I’ll remember that while in labor despite how hard it may be.

      Thanks so much for sharing! :-)

  4. My plan with my firstborn was to have a natural childbirth and no c-section, but when I actually stopped breathing from the pain at one point, I decided to have an epidural. Turns out the baby was stuck and facing my belly button instead of my spine and I had to have an emergency c-section any way after 14 hours of labor. With my next two, I had scheduled c-sections, but both came three weeks earlier than planned! While I feel that having a birth plan at least prepares new moms for the birthing experience, you never know what’s going to happen until you’re in labor!

    Best wishes to you! I hope all goes well for you and the baby!
    Marissa recently posted…My Profile

    • Wow, what an eventful story! Thanks so much for sharing. I’m keeping as open of a mind as possible. Although we would all love for things to go perfect and according to plan, I know life doesn’t always take us that course.

      Thank you for your well wishes as well! :-)

  5. I never really had a birth plan with my kids. I wet in knowing if I wanted pain meds or not, who would be there, but other than that, I just went with what happened. I know a lot of people who try to plan it all out.
    Debi@ The Spring Mount 6 Pack recently posted…What Do You Want to Do In Your RetirementMy Profile

    • I think any other time I would be like that, because I’m a pretty go with the flow person. It’s awesome you were able to be like that. I think (and hope) I’ll eventually get to that place, so it takes the pressure off some.

      Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Your plan is so detailed and I love that. I am on my third pregnancy and have never had a birth plan before. But for a few weeks, because of lifestyle changes and new feelings about certain things in childbirth and the baby itself, I am going to make one.
    I have always just went to the hospital and we did just our thing. Nothing planned. This time around, I am going to be a bit more strict. But I have been letting my doc know each visit about certain things I do and do not want. {I did do that with my last pregnancies as well but everything just goes out the door when I got into labor}. But you did a fantastic job and I’m going to be taking pointers from this to make my own

    • Thanks so much! To be honest, my plan is more of a guideline, so that I kind of know what to expect when I get to the hospital. Essentially, I plan on keeping an open mind, but want the medical staff to know my expectations. I’ve heard horror stories of medical staff taking over and poor mothers end up getting things done that they were pressured into. I don’t want that to me, especially since this is my first baby.

  7. I had a packed hospital bag in the car, but we left it there. We were in such a rush to check in to the hospital, and the pains were not pleasant, that we just did with out it. I was wishing I did have my hospital bag as I had my essential oils for aromatherapy and a favorite tranquil CD. I was lucky that my mid-wife respected my wishes and we had a natural birth. As long as baby and mommy are okay, be sure to stand your ground. Best of luck with your labor! Hugs to you.
    Carolina recently posted…Flashback FridayMy Profile

    • Wow, what an eventful time that was! That’s awesome you had a midwife who respected your wishes, that’s my goal with having a birth plan. Your absolutely right though, as long as baby and I are okay, then I’ll be fine. I will be standing my ground for sure though!

      Thanks so much for your well wishes! :-)

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