Gifts for Everyone Guide Pt. 1 + Holiday Spending Tracker Printable

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Gift shopping during the holidays can be stressful and painstaking.  You would think that my long history in retail would make me an excellent gift giver, but I’m not.  Its my dirty little secret!   I figured I’d keep it simple, and stick to three main categories this year:  Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, and Gifts for Them! 

I think categorizing helps majorly when it comes to gifting.  This way you can prioritize who gets what, and keep track of your shopping in general.  It also helps you you keep track of your spending.  It is so easy to overspend during the holidays, whether it be on time or money.  We all want a so pocket change to take into the new year after our bills are paid and gifts are given.

I’ve pulled together just a few examples of great gifts to give for each category, so check them out below.

Gifts for Her


Gifts for Him


Gifts for Them



Also, I’ve created a super easy spending spending tracker you can use during the holiday season. Holiday Spending Tracker-page-001

You can download it !

Part 2 of the Gifts for Everyone Guide is coming up, so stay tuned.  Remember to share and share alike!

Happy Holidays!

*This post contains affiliate links


14 thoughts on “Gifts for Everyone Guide Pt. 1 + Holiday Spending Tracker Printable

    • Thanks so much lady! You are way ahead of me on your holiday shopping. At least you only have half of it done! I’m doing my best to stay organized. I think it’s the key to not getting too caught up during the season

  1. This is such a great concept. I think it is a dirty little secret but I’m so glad that you are willing to share. I’m sure it will help people out with their ideas for what to buy this Christmas! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Countdown in Style! Don’t forget to stop by to see if you are featured! xo
    Brittnei recently posted…Countdown in Style- Week 4

  2. Pingback: It's Turn It Up Tuesday and I'm Co-Hosting! |

  3. Great gift ideas…since I have 10 grands, grand-in-laws, 2 children and their spouses, I have to shop SALES all year long. :)
    Over from Create it Thurs.

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