Thoughts From A Preggo | So What Wednesday…

*Linking up with So What Wednesday’s from .
Yep, its hump day…so I’m here with my “so what’s” to get over the hump!  Two more days till the weekend, yay!
So what…if I’m on an ice cream fix this week.  I blame it on pregnancy ;-)
So what…that although I’m happy we are having some cooler weather here in Va, that I’m not ready to let go of the 90-degree days.  What can I say, I’m from the South.
So what…if my toes need to be painted.  Do you know how hard it is to paint your toes while 7 months pregnant?!
So what…that I’m over summetime tv.  Although I’m not quite ready for the Fall, I’m ready for Fall tv.  I’m not sure how much I will be watching with a brand new baby, but any little bit I can squeeze in will be good.
So what…that I totally wish I could work half days at work.  I get sooo sleepy after lunch.  I’ll take the extended lunches, in which I usually nap for about 30 minutes in the meantime.
Alright party people, that’s all I got for now.
Happy Hump Day, or as I like to say Happy Hump Day, Bump Day!


Friday Confessional | 7.26.13

Here goes, another Friday confessional!  I had a pretty uneventful week and as I always say uneventful in my book is always good!

I confess:  I could have slept in every day this week. – Of course I didn’t, but it would have been nice too!

I confess:  My house is not nearly as clean as I would like it to be, ugh! – I did laundry last Saturday (I think!) and it was in the dryer and didn’t get folded until this past Wednesday.

I confess: I did not go grocery shopping until yesterday. – We were out of my mainstays, fresh fruit and milk.

I confess: I did not want to cook at all this week. – Hence the lack of recipes post :-First trimester fatigue is setting back in, oh no!

I confess:  I totally fell off my morning protein drink regime.  I didn’t even make a smoothie this week! – In all fairness, we were out of milk, so that nixed my morning protein drink! :-)

That’s all the confessing I have for this week!
*P.S: Bonus confessional…I totally jacked up this post and pretty much wrote over last week’s!  That’s what I get for taking shortcuts!

Until next time…

Happy bumping!


Thing’s I’m Loving | The Top 10 [6.30-7.6]

Okay everyone, so I know its been a while, but I decided to bring back an old favorite.  Here’s this week’s 10 thing’s I’m loving!

Drum roll…..

Luigi’s Mango Italian Ice

So You Think You Can Dance
Scope Outlast Mouthwash
Chicken Pot Pie
Nail polish
Happy Bumping!

Thoughts from a preggo

I recently read a post on Facebook from another preggo that asked who was not fully convinced that there is a baby coming.  I have gone over this thought in my head since I found out I was pregnant.  While pregnancy is so absolutely tangible, on the other hand it isn’t.  Even at 6 months pregnant and clearly showing, I still have a hard time grasping the fact that there is actually a life inside of me growing, and that one day (well in 16ish weeks) it’s going to come out and be its own little person.  This little person will grow into a child, then teenager, then adult!  That is just beyond fascinating to me.  I feel the baby move all the time, so I rationally know that it’s in there…it’s just hard to believe that its actually in there, lol!  I wonder who this little person is, what they are doing (besides floating around in water and sleeping), what they are thinking about, what they will look like, and just everything I can possibly think and want to know about someone. 
This someone is mine and my husband’s though and that is extremely special.  There is no other feeling in the world than to know you have created life out of love.  My husband and I often joke about how crazy this kid will be, because we know how we are.  I fully expect to have a super active kid with a big personality.  We have the added mystery of not knowing what baby is, because we have decided to stay TEAM GREEN!  I’m 6 months down with just 3 to go and that seems like such a short amount of time left.  I cannot believe how fast this time has gone by and before I know it, a little precious baby will be in my arms and not in my belly.

Just thought to share these thoughts with you and give you some insight into how I feel about being pregnant. 

If you have been pregnant, did you feel the same way? 
Experience anything different??

I’d love to know!
Happy Bumping!