The Secret to A Happy Marriage #HappyWivesClub


The Secret to A Happy Marriage #HappyWivesClub ~ New Mama Diaries

Source: Wikipedia

The secret to a happy marriage is simple: Respect, honesty, and trust.  They are in essence the foundation for any relationship, but especially a marriage.  Very rarely can a marriage be sustained without all three, and even when it can, it takes more work than the amount of work it takes to have a successful marriage normally.  Respect, honesty, and trust are the three things I base my own marriage off of.  They were the qualities I knew my relationship needed to possess before I got married.  I can honestly say that if my relationship hadn’t had respect, trust, and honesty, I knew it would never be successful. Continue reading

Baby This Week | 26 Weeks

Baby is the size of a head of lettuce, or just an actual head lol!  I can’t believe I have something that big inside of me, its crazy! Baby’s eyelids separate and the eyes are starting to open. Lungs are beginning to develop surfactant, which allows them to inflate. Baby has begun to sleep for longer periods as well.  Little one is about 14 inches in length and weights almost 2 pounds.This week marks a major milestone in baby’s hearing and sight. Little one’s hearing system (cochlea and peripheral sensory end organs), which began fine development during week eighteen, is now completely formed, and over the next few weeks, he or she become increasingly sensitive to sound. Very soon, I’ll be able to feel him or her jump if they hear a sudden loud noise. Sound passes easily into m uterus, which helps the ears develop. Her eyes are almost fully formed, although they are blue, because a baby’s eyes don’t get their final color until a few months after they are born. The air sacs of the lungs, called alveoli, will be developed by the end of this week and will begin to secrete a substance called surfactant that keeps the lung tissue from sticking together. 

Baby’s lungs continue to develop, and she is taking small breaths of amniotic fluid inside your womb. These small breaths are getting little one in shape for their first breath of fresh air.  Veins are visible through baby’s transparent skin, but soon that will change, as it begins to turn opaque. If baby is a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.
Baby – Can we say super duper active!  I literally think that this kid is awake 24 hours even though they say the baby sleeps majority of the time.  I can tell baby has gotten bigger and stronger by its movements.  Sometimes they even startled me because they can be a little intense.  Baby definitely seems to be a lot more responsive to touch and noise, more to touch most recently.  Little one likes to hang out all over the place and I can’t quite decipher whether he or she is head up or down.  Sometimes I feel movement way down low and other times I feel it pretty high up.

Me – Sitting in an up-right position for long periods of time is uncomfortable.  I’ve put on about a pound from last, and the belly is getting bigger by the day.  No swelling, pre-term labors signs, or other crazy stuff going on, thank goodness!  Sleeping on the other hand can be a feat, and not because I still get up throughout the night to use the restroom.  It’s because my belly is getting bigger and I’m having to figure how to adjust to it.  I’m seriously going to start putting a pillow down and having that next to my belly while I sleep.  I have also noticed that I’ve gotten heavier, or rather my belly has so turning over and even standing up from laying down can be challenging at times.

Hubs – As usual he is doing good.  I think the baby shower made the baby a little more real to him and he’s even more excited.  I really think he would like for baby to come out and automatically be 3 or 4 years old so he can play with baby, go places, and dress him or her up to look like him.  Hubs is working more, so he’s not home at night much, but always calls to check on me and baby and make sure we’re okay.  He’s on dinner duty for the next two nights, so I know we’ll be getting some good grubbin’!

Until next week folks…

Happy bumping!


Thoughts from a preggo

I recently read a post on Facebook from another preggo that asked who was not fully convinced that there is a baby coming.  I have gone over this thought in my head since I found out I was pregnant.  While pregnancy is so absolutely tangible, on the other hand it isn’t.  Even at 6 months pregnant and clearly showing, I still have a hard time grasping the fact that there is actually a life inside of me growing, and that one day (well in 16ish weeks) it’s going to come out and be its own little person.  This little person will grow into a child, then teenager, then adult!  That is just beyond fascinating to me.  I feel the baby move all the time, so I rationally know that it’s in there…it’s just hard to believe that its actually in there, lol!  I wonder who this little person is, what they are doing (besides floating around in water and sleeping), what they are thinking about, what they will look like, and just everything I can possibly think and want to know about someone. 
This someone is mine and my husband’s though and that is extremely special.  There is no other feeling in the world than to know you have created life out of love.  My husband and I often joke about how crazy this kid will be, because we know how we are.  I fully expect to have a super active kid with a big personality.  We have the added mystery of not knowing what baby is, because we have decided to stay TEAM GREEN!  I’m 6 months down with just 3 to go and that seems like such a short amount of time left.  I cannot believe how fast this time has gone by and before I know it, a little precious baby will be in my arms and not in my belly.

Just thought to share these thoughts with you and give you some insight into how I feel about being pregnant. 

If you have been pregnant, did you feel the same way? 
Experience anything different??

I’d love to know!
Happy Bumping!