5-minute Dark Hot Chocolate

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5MinDarkHotChocolate ~ NewMamaDiaries.com

What I used:
12 oz of Semi Sweet/Dark Chocolate Chip Morsels
2 cups of Heavy cream
2 cups of Milk
1 tbsp of Vanilla
*If its not sweet enough for you, add some regular granulated sugar to taste.


How I did it:
Warm heavy cream and milk in a sauce pan over low-med heat. Watch very closely, because the heavy cream and milk can come to a simmer very fast and burn. (Trust me I’ve done it!) Stir in chocolate chip morsels until they are completely melted into your heavy cream/milk mixture. Add in your vanilla and sugar if you so choose to.


And that’s it, your done! Top with some whipped cream, chocolate shavings, or dash of cocoa powder (if you wanna be fancy or are serving to guests). Last but not least, serve up and enjoy a warm and cozy cup of chocolaty goodness!


13 thoughts on “5-minute Dark Hot Chocolate

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