Ultimate Southern Style Cheddar Cheese Grits

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Ultimate Southern Style Cheddar Cheese Grits | NewMamaDiaries.com

If your from the South, odds are that you know what grits are…and that you love them as much as I do.  Down here we eat them pretty much anytime, whether it be breakfast or dinner, although they are a traditional breakfast food.  I thought I’d share my super quick and easy recipe for how I make my delicious and insatiable cheddar cheese grits.  You only need a few ingredients and about 10 minutes.What I used:

Let me begin to say that this recipe is for one (hefty) serving size.  For multiple serving sizes, you just need to double or triple the ingredients.  I will caution that grits, like with rice and oatmeal, a little bit goes a long way.

1 cup of water

1 dash of salt

1/3 + about half of a 1/3 cup (7/12) of grits

1/2 cup of Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese

1 tbsp of salted butter

1 dash of black pepper


How I did it:

Begin by boiling water salted water.  Once at a boil, stir in grits.  Continue to stir until smooth and reduce heat to low.  Reducing the heat is extremely important to do after stirring the grits in, because they cook fast and can burn quickly.

Once heat is reduced, add in your butter, black pepper, and little more salt if you desire.  You can also add in 1/3 cup of Sour Cream for an extra creamy consistency.   Unfortunately, I did not have any on hand the day I made these grits, so I had to go sans sour cream. Stir in your cheddar cheese until it is completely melted and your all done!


The yummy end result:



I topped mines with a little more shredded cheddar cheese, because I can never get enough of it!  I enjoyed these savory grits with a tall glass of chocolate milk and basked it the deliciousness of them.  As I mentioned before, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and serve these anytime of the day.  They are great with shrimp and fish, if you’re serving them up as a side for dinner.

Do you have any staples you love to make from where your from?  Or a dish (or side) that you could literally eat any time of the day? – I’d love to hear!


54 thoughts on “Ultimate Southern Style Cheddar Cheese Grits

  1. Girl the picture of your cheese grits has been following me all over Bloggerville…now that I’ve clicked and read I think I may go make some…you’re right we (southern folks..even the transplants like myself) eat them anytime of the day. Whats a bowl of grits without cheese? Not mine! LOL
    Tiffany recently posted…Donate STUFF. Create JOBS. ~ Be A Part!

    • Grits, just like most grains can be quite tricky and finicky to cook. They’re very easy to mess up, so trust that its not an uncommon thing! I often times mess up plain white rice. I can do the flavored rices, rice pilaf, couscous, etc., but when it comes to plain white rice I can never seem to get it right.

  2. Wow! That is a quick and easy meal to prepare! Busy moms like me working a full time job and managing a household can use any time saving delicious recipe like this. Thank you for sharing!! Oh, and BTW… I love cheese!! :)
    Eileen recently posted…The Women in my Life

    • Lol, just what you needed, right? Its like going grocery shopping when you’re hungry! I guess the closest thing I could think of that you might have in the UK that’s close to grits would be porridge. However, you typically don’t sweetened grits. They are more of a savory dish. Lunchtime cheesiness is always a good choice however!

    • Thanks so much! I didn’t even realize that grits were a common food in the New England area. I’ve always only heard of them being associate with the south. I bet there are so really delicious and creative New England inspire flavors you could add to grits to make them super tasty.

    • Thanks so much! I actually like plain grits too, but they have to have sour cream and be super creamy! I have never had them with truffle oil or procini mushrooms, but again that’s the versatility of grits. You can eat and prepare them almost any way.

  3. Cheese can be in my menu every single day if i could. They look great!
    Thank you for linking up wuth the Parenting #PinItParty x
    otilia recently posted…

  4. I hate to admit this… but I’ve never tried grits before. But I can say I’ve heard of them. But for the rest of the people in the state I live in (Utah) most have never heard of Grits. So, I’m sharing these …loving all of the cheesiness! (=
    Gloria @ Simply Gloria recently posted…Baby Ruth Fudge

    • I can completely believe that! Outside of the South, grits are very common or popular at all. You can do so much with them though! They’re a little known treasure in the culinary world.

      Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Thanks so much! Yes, sharp is the best! I do occasionally use American, but that’s when I get grits out at a restaurant. When I make them myself I always use sharp cheddar, wouldn’t have it any other way!

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