The Blogmopolitan Quiz

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Natasha over at Epic Mommy Adventures posted this fun Blogmopolitan Quiz that she participated in via Two Thirds Hazel.  I couldn’t help but participate, because I’ve always loved those quizzes in magazines like Cosmopolitan and Seventeen (when I was a teenager of course!).  I’ve always been more of a magazines reader than book reader.  Maybe it had to do with all the pretty pictures that were so stimulating.  At one point I had a subscription to nearly every teen and women’s magazine out there.  These days, I keep it to one or two subscriptions that I barely get around to cracking open.  When I find the time still flip through and get a good read.  The nostalgia in me made me not able to pass this fun quiz up, so here goes:

The Blogmopolitan Quiz

So now you know a little bit more about me!  I think that was the whole purpose of those magazine quizzes – to learn a little bit more about yourself.

Do you remember those magazine quizzes?  Did you do them and were they ever for you?


3 thoughts on “The Blogmopolitan Quiz

  1. I love this … what a great way to do an “about me” post .. that Natasha .. she’s a smart cookie. Isn’t it funny what pregnancy does to your body! In my case I already had big boobs — thankfully they didn’t grow too much beyond that! LOL
    And you are right .. your unattractive qualities in a guy and how to be a lady are spot on!!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
    Lanaya | Raising Reagan recently posted…Ask Away Friday – Round Thirteen

  2. ha! I had to laugh about the new boobs thing. Thank you, pregnancy, indeed! I used to love these quizzes and I’d make a stack of magazines with my friends and we’d do them all.
    I can’t live without mascara either. It’s transforming. It makes me look more awake than I am!
    Have a great weekend, and may it be filled with chocolate!
    Tamara recently posted…The One In Which Honesty Is An Understatement..

    • LOL, that’s the one thing that pregnancy left me with body-wise that I can say I really like! The stretch marks…not so much, but it was all worth it. My weekend will definitely be chocolate filled, we just baked brownies the other day! ;-)

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