Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions


So its the second day of the new year and by now, most people have already broken their New Years resolutions.  I’ve totally been guilty of it before.  Heck, I’ve been guilty of breaking them within hours of making them.  This is the exact reason I don’t make them anymore or rather never really made them or took them serious. Continue reading

The Post I Wasn’t Going to Write

I wasn’t going to do one of these reflection posts.  I saw and read every one else’s and just didn’t want to do one.  I didn’t feel like going back through the 261 published posts and recapping what an awesome blogging year 2013 was for me.  Although it was a great year for me in general, for many different reasons…I just didn’t feel like recapping it.  Its almost like that term paper that you know you have to write, but don’t know where to start to so you wait till the last minute and burn the midnight oil getting it done.  Recapping 2013 was gonna take work, so much has happened, my brain is just too full.  Continue reading

NaBloPoMo | Plugged In or Out > Keeping A Balance Online & Offline


I’ll be the first to say that I’m not usually unplugged at all!  However, since this post is going up a day late, then you can see that sometimes I am.  Oftentimes I still find some way to still stay plugged in, but when I’m driving 600 miles with a newborn, well it just wasn’t gonna happen.  Nonetheless, as I digress I never really set aside time to not be plugged in.  I’m plugged in when its convenient for me.

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