New Year Cleaning Resolution Tips + Printable #LiquidMuscle

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This New Year cleaning resolution tips post is brought to you by Mr. Clean as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post.


Its extremely important to me to keep my house super clean, especially with having my 3 month old son.  Cleaning is endless when you have a baby, there’s no way around it.  Now we all know I don’t make New Year Resolution’s, but more or less practice what I preach daily.

Its so easy to get caught up with the ten thousand things that need to be done everyday.  Before we know it, there are loads of laundry to be done, bathrooms to clean, dishes to do, and floors to sweep and mop.  A while back I wrote a post on how to declutter and organize your home, but I didn’t touch on how to manage keeping a clean home in the post.

So here’s a few tips:

1.  Use a multi-purpose cleaner.  Mr. Clean’s Liquid Muscle can make it easy and inexpensive to clean.  Mr. Clean’s Liquid Muscle has 2.5X more power in every drop*. It also has an auto-stop cap, so you always dispense the right amount and waste less. You can use it directly on the mess to clean things like stovetops or counters, or dilute it in water to clean your floors. And because of its triple action formula, each drop packs a bigger punch than you’d expect. Even if there’s a dirt supervillain lurking around, Liquid Muscle helps you can defeat it with ease.  By having an all-in-one product, you save time and money, and don’t have to lug a bunch of cleaning products around the house.


I was able to clean my countertops, mirror, sink, and bathtub with Liquid Muscle and it left my bathroom lemony fresh.  The good thing about liquid muscle is that it comes in many other scents, so if lemon isn’t you thing you can go for the Dawn scented or Meadows & Rain Liquid Muscle.



2.  Prioritize your cleaning.  Clean what’s most susceptible to getting dirty or contaminated first.  This is usually your bathrooms and kitchens.

3.  Take time to deep clean.  The best time to do this is a little later in the week, when you’ve already covered some ground.  Your floors and carpet are what you will want to focus on at this point.

4.  Save the simple stuff till the end.  Your laundry, windows, polishing up the furniture can all be done later in the week.  Laundry pretty much does itself, with the exception of sorting and folding.  Windows, dusting, and polishing the furniture take just a few minutes to wipe down, so it doesn’t have to be at the top of your cleaning list priorities.

5.  Take some time off.  If you don’t get everything done in one day or one week, don’t sweat it!  The laundry isn’t going anywhere, the floors can wait, and everyone will be okay.  If you’re diligent on a weekly basis, you will have less and less work to do each week.  Ask for help from your kids, spouse, or other family members that live in your household and give yourself a break!

I hope these tips are helpful to you on how to keep your home spotless every day of the year.  I included a super simple 4-day cleaning checklist printable to go by to help you at as well.  And yes, 4 days, because everyone deserves to start the weekend early and have Friday off!


You can get the printable !

Happy cleaning!

MrClean_CMYKThis is a compensated post brought to you by Mr. Clean. Mr. Clean is kicking off the New Year with the launch of a new product called Mr. Clean Liquid Muscle, a new multi-purpose, multi-surface concentrated cleaning gel that delivers superior cleaning performance on and off the floor. Be sure to and .


16 thoughts on “New Year Cleaning Resolution Tips + Printable #LiquidMuscle

  1. I love your cleaning schedule idea! Definitely pinned it for you. I will say though, New Mama…I felt that keeping it clean was hard when JR was a baby before he became mobile as well, but then he starting walking, ans running and now he gets into just about any and everything…messing EVERYTHING up ALL THE TIME! You just wait, my dear…they get so curious and into it all…enjoy this time of you and hubby being the ones who mess things up and you just have to go back and take your time to clean those things. I don’t miss those days, but I have just made peace with the fact that now I’m about to have JR squared lol so that might be twice the work with keeping the house clean so I will be so lenient with myself hehe.
    Brittnei recently posted…Whole Wheat Mac-N-Cheese

    • Thanks so much Brittnei! I’m so happy you shared it! I totally see your point and with the way my son, I’ll be chasing after him cleaning up everything. Boys will be boys! I’ll most likely be treating this list as a guideline by that point, but at least I’ll have something to follow. Unfortunately, I’m really scatter brained, and while I’m a great multi-tasker, I’m a horrible procrastinator. I have to be able to hold myself accountable, otherwise things will get out of control. However, I am appreciate the days before my son starts to get into and mess up everything. I know you’re giving sage advice and I’m definitely taking it! I don’t want to be thrown for a loop come a year or two from now, LOL! :-)

  2. What a great scheduling idea! I find that without a schedule, we don’t even remotely stick to any plans or regularity. And I have always loved Mr. Clean products. Since I was a kid and my grandmother/mother used them.
    Des messes up rooms in two seconds flat! And as I was trying to comment on this, Scarlet spilled a cup of milk into the floorboards.
    Tamara recently posted…This Is My Life.

    • Thanks so much Tamara! You know, I’m not the most disciplined person at all, so a list really helps me to stay focused. Otherwise, I’ll be running around trying to get a million things done and really end up accomplishing little or nothing sometimes. Lol, your kids are too cute! I can totally see my son doing those very things while I’m trying to check things off my list. Kids…gotta love ‘em, but they keep us sooo busy!

  3. Ok…seriously…how in the world do you clean everyday? I mean I do dishes and sweep and do counters…but a schedule? Good for you! I’m lucky to get my made made every other day.

    Happy to have found you through SITS and looking forward to getting to know you and your blog more. I liked your FB page too…I never was very good at following directions!
    Kristen recently posted…Things Kids Say…Figure Skating

    • Lol, I try! I’m not very disciplined so I have to be able to hold myself accountable. Of course there are some days where the checklist goes out the window too. Its more of a reminder/guideline a lot of the time to keep me on track. I’m never good for making the bed, so you got me on that one for sure! :-)

      Glad to be connecting with you as well! Thanks so much for stopping by! :-)

    • Thanks so much! I sure hope so, because he is a handful and I don’t see that changing any time soon, lol!

      Nice to meet you as well! I’m happy we have met through our SITS tribe. :-)

    • Thanks so much! So glad to have found you in my SITS tribe as well!

      Yeah, laundry doesn’t exactly do itself in those piles, but fortunately we don’t have to do it by hand. If we did, I’d totally be at a lost for how to fit it in my 4-day schedule! :-)

  4. I need a cleaning schedule. I am terrible about it. It all gets done once a week but I could do a lot better!! It seems like I barely get through the stuff I need to do most days, and then the last thing I want to think about is cleaning. But I am thinking I could squeeze in cleaning a bathroom while I am waiting for the shower to warm up…or things like that!
    Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…The Mother of All Meltdowns Brought Us Together #AskAwayFriday

    • I often times do exactly that when it comes to cleaning the bathroom! Its a really easy way to chip away at the sometimes long lists of daily or weekly chores. A schedule is a great way to hold yourself accountable, even if you don’t get everything done on it. Its all about accomplishing a little bit by bit! :-)

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