New Orleans Style Seafood Gumbo

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Seafood Gumbo

I absolutely love seafood gumbo! I’m not a huge fan of the traditional tomato based gumbo, but I am of the seafood one. Gumbo is an original New Orleans dish known throughout the world for being savory and delicious. It is literally a dish you can dress up or down, depending upon the ingredients and presentation.


What I Used

  • Shrimp – I used frozen for convenience.
  • Crab Meat – I used pre-cooked for convenience.
  • Zatarains Gumbo mix
  • Rice (I used my good ol jasmine rice, but you can whatever type of rice you prefer)
  • Okra
  • Celery
  • Onion
  • Green Bell Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Gumbo seasoning
  • Bay Leaves
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How I Did It

I began by following the instructions on the back of the Zatarains mixture to cook the base.  I added in extra rice, even though the base came with rice.  I let boil for roughly 10 minutes, and then added in vegetables and seasonings.  I let boil again for roughly 10 minutes, before adding in frozen shrimp and pre-cooked crab meat.  Reduce heat to med-lo and let simmer for at least 30 minutes.  *Don’t skip on letting the gumbo simmer, because you want all of the flavors to saturate.


I absolutely loved this gumbo!  It was so savory and rich, that I ate on it for a week straight.  This recipe makes a pot-full, so its great for serving for a large party of people.  Its also good if you want to have a meal that will last you all week, because it will definitely give you a break from having to cook.

By far, this is one of my favorite soaps/stews I’ve ever prepared.  Do you have any favorites?  Go-tos that you like to serve for your family? – I would love to add to my repertoire, so let me hear it!


6 thoughts on “New Orleans Style Seafood Gumbo

  1. It looks tasty!!

    I have one thing for you:)
    Jeanette recently posted…I was nominated for a Liebster AwardMy Profile

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