NaBloPoMo 2013

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NaBloPoMo November 2013

It’s November and the perfect time for a challenge!  I’m excited to be participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo.  Now you might not know what NaBloPoMo is or what it stands for, so let me give you a little bit of a rundown:NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month and basically, you commit to posting daily for a particular month.  “NaBloPoMo happens every month, but due to its proximity to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), November tends to be the “official” month”.

So whether you already post daily, like I do, or just a few times a week, this challenge helps to get your writing mojo on.  There are actually daily prompts, which are topics that you can write on if you can’t come up with anything on your own.  Even though I have drafts lined up through the rest of the month, these prompts are really good and I plan on writing on many of them.  I hope you’ll join me in this challenge, because it’s a great opportunity to share, connect, and build community.

To join the NaBloPoMo all you have to do is add your blog to the blogroll on BlogHer’s website by November 5 and get to posting daily.  NaBloPoMo goes through November 30, so its going to be a great month of posts!  Can’t wait to read everyone’s and share my own!


11 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo 2013

    • I think we all do at times. The cool thing about the challenge is that it’s about personal accountability. The challenge helps with building consistency, which is something so crucial to us bloggers.

  1. I have not been to your blog in what seems like forever! I was on vacation but I will be looking through because I love supporting you, girl! I’m excited that you are also doing NaBloPoMo too! xoxo
    Brittnei recently posted…My Profile

    • I completely understand girl! I’m just getting back in the swing of things with being two weeks post partum. Thanks so much for the support girl! I’ve been stopping by your blog and reading your posts as well. Gotta show that support!

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