Money Matters & Budgeting | Benefits of Using Prepaid Debit Cards

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I know we’ve seen these cards everywhere, seems like everyone wants you to have theirs right? While these used to be geared to those who couldn’t or didn’t want to hold a checking or savings account for various, they are no longer. Even if you have banking and checking accounts, and perfect credit and bill paying history, prepaid debit can be a good resource for you. I say resource, because they can aid in your daily, weekly, and even monthly financial budgeting.

Even for someone like me, who is pretty financially savvy, I found that by using a prepaid debit card it helped me to allocate specific funds to my discretionary wants. Is so easy to get carried away with our normal debit and credit cards. For one, credit cards can subject you to high interest rates and no one wants to fall victim to those. Paying 20% extra for some thing is not the way to go or save money!

I wanted to share with you what can offer you in terms of saving money and budgeting. You can literally use this card EVERYWHERE Visa is accepted.

Here are some of perks:
  • Free to order, activate and load
  • Free app and check deposits from your smartphone
  • Free direct deposit
  • Free card-to-card transfers, any time, anywhere, in seconds
  • No overdraft fees — never goes negative!
  • Safer than cash – 24/7 support, Visa fraud protection and 100% FDIC insurance on funds
  • No debt, financially responsible, no interest/credit/APRs
  • No credit check and approval in seconds
  • 22,000 in-network ATMs
  • Thousands of cool, unique card designs to choose from, including brands like: Garfield, Popeye, Betty Paige, James Dean, Care Bears, Walking Dead, Star Trek, Autism Awareness, Breast Cancer Research, Shark Week, Where’s Waldo, Doodle Jump, Three Stooges, Nancy Drew, etc. Prepaid Visa Review| NewMamaDiaries.blogspot.comI used my awesome Atlanta skyline themed card at Wal-Mart just the other day, and it was easy as pie! I was able to get some baby laundry detergent, nursing pads, and a few other item. You have the option of using this card as either debit or credit, so if your concerned about entering your pin, the credit option is just as easy and fast. I actually used the credit option myself, and it went through just as fast as my regular bank debit card.

For more information about the prepaid Visa debit card, visit for more information.
*Disclosure: I was compensated for this review by All opinions and views are 100% honest and my own.

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