Man Caves

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A few months ago :::cue emotional interview music::: I found out my husband was a closeted Pinterest user. 

I’ve been using Pinterest for nearly 2 years and my husband had little to no interest in it.  Much less using it!  As far as I knew, he thought it was something “only girls did”.  He would always see me browsing, looking at decadent desserts and cute fashion, and thought that was all there was to Pinterest.  Well a few months back I saw him casually, yet intently scrolling through the Pinterest app on his iPad.  I thought nothing of it at the time, only asking him what he was looking up.  He answered me, “just derpin”.  His phrase for spending wasting time on the internet.  Hubs occasionally showed me a cool knot for tying a tie or some car he’d come across.

I thought that was it, but no, no it wasn’t.  One evening he was on Pinterest again, and showed me something and I looked to the top right of the screen and saw he was actually logged into Pinterest.  So the conversation went like this: 

Me:  You have a Pinterest account?

Him: Yeah 

Me:  Since when?

Him:  For a long time.  I’ve always had one.

Me:  Why aren’t you following me?  Oh look, those are my Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Why aren’t you following me?  You don’t even have a picture on your profile.

Him:  You know I don’t do all that.

So, again I left it at that, but the cat was out of the bag.  From that point on I saw him Pinteresting more and more.  However, I wasn’t prepared for what came next:  The unadulterated plethora of Man Cave pins.

Just like with everything else on Pinterest, all it takes is a quick search and a gazillion pins are at your fingertips for whatever you’re searching.  So now, my husband is man cave obsessed more than ever.  I think he literally spent all last Saturday morning pinteresting man caves and other buildable ideas, or projects as he likes to refer to them as.  He’s got a serious itch to create, build, and one day have his own little corner of our home to call his own.  It will be the place where one of these will be on the wall:

and one of these too, just as a reminder: 

It doesn’t help that we have a son, so he has an automatic partner in crime (no pun intended, since He’s a cop).  How will all this affect me? 

Well, I guess I get the rest of the house to be my woman cave.  Does that even make sense?  Maybe castle…well a girl can only dreams! 

What about you? – Does your husband have a man cave?  If he doesn’t, does he want one?  What do you think about man caves, yay or nay? 


10 thoughts on “Man Caves

  1. Eh, yay I guess. My husband has a room that can potentially be used more but I don’t know that he’d consider it a man cave. Just a really nice guest room that he uses for movies and video games!
    I have an office “treehouse” that I simply love! He needs a nice space too.
    Tamara recently posted…Me Before You.

  2. “Closeted interest user…” LOL!!!! That’s hilarious that you found out he was on Pinterest. I don’t know why men get so obsessed with man caves. My husband has one and he NEVER uses it. He still watched TV in the main living room. I don’t get it, LOL! He died to have that space and it’s just going to waste. Loving the knot on that necktie too!
    Tia recently posted…Preschool at Home: Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

  3. This is pretty funny how you found this out. LOL. If my husband figured out how to use it, he actually might genjoy it as well :) I have a son too so I know they will be having that man time together so I must say if this baby isn’t a girl, if we have another one, I hope that will be a girl so that I can have a lady to share things with woman to woman :)
    Brittnei recently posted…Transferring from Blogger to WordPress

    • Lol, you may be on to something there! I might not want to delve too much into my husband’s imagination and see what he’s pinning too. Maybe it really is a good thing we’re not following each other. Although maybe he would see some of my jewelry pins and get me a nice ring, watch, or bracelet?!

  4. Hahahahah! This is hilarious! So he’s still not following you? LOL You have to admit, the man caves he pinned looks awesome! My son and I are planning to make a “Mens Room” where they said they will place the TV, playstation and whatever gadgets boys love and take note, no ladies allowed. LOL
    Jhanis recently posted…Episode of The Trembling Knees

    • Nope he still isn’t, lol! You all’s “men’s room” sounds a lot like what my husband would love. The Playstation, the gadgets…yep right up his alley. You’re a good sport for helping out with making it. My husband knows he’s all on his own with creating his man cave, lol!

    • Lol, I’d totally take an “us” cave! I think my husband and I may need one once our son gets older and will be running us ragged all day. He’s a baby now, so we have some time, but we know its coming sooner than later.

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