Freebie Friday | Weekly Schedule Printable

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Weekly Assignments Printable-page-001

As we approach one of the busiest times of the year with the school year in session and the holidays right around the corner, its important to stay organized.  Although we all have our smartphones and tablets to keep track of our daily tasks, sometimes its good to still write things down.  This printable is especially good for those in school (elementary, middle, high, college), because they can easily put it in their binders.  I recommend using sheet protectors, so that you don’t have reprint them over and over.  They can easily be found at your local office supply store, Target, Wal-Mart, or on Amazon.  You can use a dry erase marker or even permanent marker on sheet protectors.  If you use a permanent marker, all you need is a little alcohol to wipe clean with.

This is also a great printable to put on the fridge.   Again, you can easy slip it inside of a sheet protector and attach it to your fridge with a magnet.  This way as you plan out and schedule your week, its there for every one to see.  We all visit the fridge several times a day, so no one will miss it.  The vivid colors make it standout and it’ll definitely catch the eye of anyone popping over to grab a snack or something to drink.

Download them ! – Please take note that these are for personal use only!  I would never charge for these, so please don’t take them and try to use them for commercial use.  This is why they are FREE for use.



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