Freebie Friday | Happy Valentine’s Day Chocolate Bar Wrapper Printable

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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and who doesn’t love to get chocolate on the day to celebrate love?!  I’ve created this fun, cupid’s bow chocolate bar candy wrapper. It fits a standard size Hershey chocolate bar.  So dress up your Valentine’s Day favor with this oh so cute printable.

Get the printable .  There are two printables per page.  Instructions for how to use are on the printable. – Special note:  Not for commercial use.  Please do not sell, redistribute for purchase, or claim as your own.

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14 thoughts on “Freebie Friday | Happy Valentine’s Day Chocolate Bar Wrapper Printable

  1. Hi, Tenns! You have an awesome site! My name is Courtney and blog over at The Brown Girl with Long Hair, and I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello, as I am a newbie who has just joined in on the Saturday blog hop for the first time. For some reason, I am not able to follow you via feedly, so I made sure to bookmark your blog page, and I just “liked” you on Facebook. Have an awesome weekend!
    Courtney Conover recently posted…Young, childless, and well-rested

    • Hey Courtney! Thanks so much for dropping by and following! I double checked my Feedly button and it was working, but maybe Feedly has a kink they need to work out on their site. I’m on Bloglovin’ as well. I’m following you via Feedly and Twitter, and will be sure to return the favor on FB. Have an awesome weekend as well! :-)

  2. Oh, and one more thing, Tenns, since I just read your About Me page after I entered my first comment: Super-duper congrats on your little one, and my grandfather lives in Stone Mountain!
    Courtney Conover recently posted…Young, childless, and well-rested

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