*Co-Hosting* Social Media Sunday

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<div align="center"><a href="http://fromabcstoacts.com/" title="From ABC's to ACT's"><img src="http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y311/abcstoacts/SMS225_zpsb70454fc.jpg" alt="From ABC's to ACT's" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


It’s that time again friends! Time for another Social Media Sunday!


SMS Hosts.jpg

Amber @ From ABC’s to ACT’s

From ABC's to ACT's


Michelle @ The MaMade Diaries

Natasha @ Epic Mommy Adventures


Teresa @ Crafty Wife

Crafty Wife

Penny @ The Real Housewife of Caroline County


As you know, Social Media Sundays are a place for you to connect with other bloggers in as many ways as possible, since meeting other bloggers and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!

The rules are simple!

Guest Hosts



Christina @ Laughing and Losing It



Michelle @ On A Wing And A Prayer



Tenns @ New Mama Diaries




Follow your hosts and guest hosts (the first 8 in the link up) and leave a comment letting us know so that we can follow you back.

Grab the button and spread the word, the more the merrier!

Get to hopping! Check out your fellow bloggers and make a new friend or two.

Most importantly, have FUN!

3 thoughts on “*Co-Hosting* Social Media Sunday

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