Cloth Diapering ~ Is It Worth It?

Cloth Diapering

As a soon-to-be mother I’m a little overwhelmed by this new world of parenting that I’m about to approach. One of the main things I’m most lost about is this whole cloth diapering thing. Prior to becoming pregnant, I had little knowledge (and interest) in any of the current baby or parenting trends. In my attempts to gain as much knowledge about pregnancy and babies, I came across the whole diapering phenomena. I’ve heard nothing, but good things about it: Its more economically savvy! It’s better for the environment! It’s better for your baby! BUTTT…just like with anything, there are cons. The cons are what I want to first address, before I jump on the cloth diapering bandwagon. My main concerns are from a financial standpoint. Is cloth diapering really more economically savvy? I mean, I’ve see YouTube videos of moms who are doing cloth diapering laundry every single day. On top of that they are using three different washing cycles and two types of detergent, and I just can’t keep up. Mind you actually taking the dang thing apart. Cloth diapers seem to have all these different components to them, which to seem spells time! I think to myself as a new mother, could that time be better utilized doing something else for baby. Yes I know that if things are important to you, you make time for them. However, we don’t have convenient things in this world for no reason. I’m at a loss for what to do, and in my current quest to school myself on all things cloth diapering, I’m still on the fence about it. Continue reading

Follow Me on Bloglovin!

Hey everyone!

Welcome to my new self-hosted blog!  If you are following me from, please update your feeds and/or follow my new self-hosted blog on bloglovin.

I don’t want to lose anyone as a reader or follower, so be sure to follow me by clicking the button below!

Follow on Bloglovin

Thanks so much and I look forward to connecting and sharing with you here!


Tattler Thursday Blog Hop #17

Hey everyone! I am co-hosting Tattler Thursday Blog Hop again this week.  How exciting, yay!  Join us in linking up with me and my fellow hosts and co-hosts.  We look forward to connecting and sharing with you all this week!

Hiya Snappers! Welcome back to the 17th week of the Tattler Thursday Blog and Social Network Hop!
It’s time to tattle and hop!
It’s a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! We love funny kid stories and we want to hear yours!

Just leave a comment with your story, post not required! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment  with your story/tattle, follow your Hostesses and Co-Hostesses, visit and discover other blogs, and have fun!

Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like/follow other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! This is a hop designed for you to have fun and share! Happy Tattling!

about the Blog Hop HERE!

Our first featured blogger, is Miss Amanda from Happily Ever After .  She is a hilarious, a mommy to adorable Harper and wife to a pilot.  Her blog is about her adventures as a USAF wife and Mommy.  Go check her out! Thanks for commenting Amanda!

To be picked as next week’s featured blogger of the week, and to be eligible for September’s Tattler’s Studio featured post on W3G, all about you and your blog, simply comment on one of the three Hostesses blogs with a funny, silly, gross, scary, wacky, or crazy kid story!

The Rules are:
1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostesses
2- Grab the button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle
*Be Sure to Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop

*Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)

Your Hostesses
The Co-Hostesses


***If you are interested in co-hosting the blog hop or would like more information, you can reach us at ***

BOGO! Back To School With Zoya Nail Polish

Anyone who knows me, knows I love nail polish.  Prior to joining the military I use to paint my nails all the time.  I’m talking like every other day here people!  It was so fun for me to try out different colors, textures, and brands of polish.  Now, its mostly clear on my hands (occasionally I’ll paint them on the weekends or if we have a long break for a holiday.) .  I only paint my toes about once a month, especially while pregnant, because its not very comfortable.

One of my fave, long-time wearer brands, Zoya, is having an awesome BOGO back to school promotion.
Here are the dets:
“Buy ANY color, get one FREE*, because Zoya Nail Polish wants YOU to have the hottest nail colors in the classroom.”
BOGO valid NOW through 8/25/2013 11:59PM ET online at only. *Exclusions apply – See full details on our blog:

Zoya is available in select retail stores and salons, such as Ulta.  However, their promotion is available only online through their website.
