Baby This Week | 35 Weeks

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The Facts – Baby now measures about 18 inches long and might weigh about 5-6 lbs and measure around 16.8 to 18.5 inches long!  By week 35, baby’s kidneys are completely developed. His or her liver is also beginning to produce waste. In fact, a majority of baby’s growth is already done. However, he or she will continue to put on some more weight over the next few weeks to regulate body temperature once born.

Little one is absorbing Iron, in order to build up iron stores in his or her own body, mostly in the form of red blood cells. The majority of the absorption takes place in the final months before delivery. Baby’s kidneys are also fully developed now. His or her nervous system and immune system are still maturing as well.  Fun fact – everything else, from her toenails to the hair on her head, is fully formed. If he or she were born now, they’d have more than a ninety-nine percent chance of surviving.

Baby – Everywhere, like Visa!  Baby has literally taken over my entire abdomen, and is making its way downward to my cervix and bladder.  Little one is definitely strong, pushing and jabbing some pretty forceful movement throughout the day.  Baby is head down, and should settle there for the next few weeks, but that doesn’t mean this kid is any less active.  Little one is extremely active!  It makes me wonder all those times back in the second and early trimester when I thought I had a laid back kid, if it was just preserving energy until now.

Me – Can we say holy moly, I’m feeling super pregnant.  Like really, super pregnant!  My bladder and hips are getting to be on their last legs.  Thanks goodness we are rolling up on just 2-4 weeks left. Yikes, that sounds so soon! Sleep, ha…might as well forget about it.  When pregnancy insomnia isn’t kicked into gear, its tossing and turning all night through a restless, uncomfortable attempt at sleep.  I think this is the first time in my life that I’m actually relieved to just wake up and not sleep in.  Fortunately, I’m still having no signs on pre-term labor and I’m not dilated or effaced at the moment.  I definitely feel pressure in my pelvis, and it actually really hurts sometimes.  It hurts the most if I’m on my feet too long.  This means no more long trips out and about to shop and get groceries!  Going forward my appointments will be weekly, so that’s exciting. The Braxton Hicks have gotten more frequent and intense, but nothing painful.  The flip side is that I’m going to the bathroom peeing every 20 minutes, so that’s always fun…along with my hip nearly giving out every 30-45 minutes. Fun times!

Hubs - What can I say?  He’s still taunting the baby as usual.  Hubs is truly excited about baby, and is probably more ready and anxious than me for it to get here.  He actually put together the pack n’ play and swinger/bouncer this weekend and brought all of our nursery gifts upstairs.  Hubs & I will be taking maternity pictures soon and still have a few more things to pick up for baby.  He’s knows I still gotta get packed, as far as the diaper bag and my bag, but that he will be installing the car seat.  The car seat will however be in my car since I have the sedan and he has the coupe.  We will be getting a car seat for Hubs’ car very soon.  He wants one of those that looks like a racecar seat…we’ll see if that happens!

36 Weeks, full 9 months is nearly here!  I’ll see y’all back next week as I continue to expand and have my body taken over by baby by the day. :-)

Happy bumping!


Tenns Sig

4 thoughts on “Baby This Week | 35 Weeks

  1. This is so awesome! I think this was the week that things started to feel more real for me! You look wonderful. Enjoy it! Things change so much once baby arrives! :)
    Brittnei recently posted…My Profile

    • Thanx so much Brittni! I totally believe I’ll be embarking on an entirely new endeavor, but I’m ready for it. Baby still needs to cook a little longer, so I’ll try my best to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy as much as possible.

      Thanks so much for the compliment and well wishes! :-)

    • Your very welcome! Yes, I am very and time has flown by! My husband and I are very excited and eager to meet our little one.

      Thanks so much for following! I’ll be sure to follow you back as well. :-)

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