Are You Consistient With Your Quality Posts?

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Are You ConsistientDo you have a publishing schedule for your blog posts?  If not, you should!  It allows you to remain consistent and gives your readers a routine of when to expect your posts.  Its debatable in the blogging community how often you should post, and a lot of the time it comes down to consistency.  So, whether you post once a week or seven times a week, consistency is a must.  It is so easy to get overwhelmed and un-motivated trying to keep up with posting.As bloggers, we feel obligated to constantly reach out to our audience, especially us newer bloggers.  We spend a lot of time focusing on building our readership and networking, that its easy to think quantity over quality.  Personally, I like to post daily because it keeps me discipline and consistent.  Discipline is one of my main character flaws, so in order for me to remain consistent I have to do something until it becomes a habit.  Of course not everyone is like this, so you have to do what works for you.  I will eventually be going from posting daily, to posting 3-4 times a week, due to my new little one arriving any day and other projects that I want to work on.

I will be expanding my blog and enriching it with new services and offering more to my readers in the near future.  The only way I can accomplish this is to lessen the frequency of my posts, in order to ensure that they are quality.  I will admit, when I first started back blogging I just wanted to get posts up so I could get my blog on the map.  Quality was important, but at that point it was more about quantity.  I’ve since made the transition, to quality over quantity.  If I don’t have anything good to post, then I don’t.  I have probably over 30-40 drafts, however I work on them when I feel best suited to put quality content into them.

I believe that it quality that gives you a strong readership. While frequency is great, because it keep you on the scene it can be detrimental. I sometimes feel like if I’m out of site, I’m out of mind, however I remind myself that if my content is good then it will reach readers regardless. I see a lot of bloggers who put up what I call “filler posts”, these are posts you can tell not much thought was put into. I typically skip over these in my news feed, because they simply don’t grab my attention. I don’t want to be one of those bloggers that only post “filler posts”, this means only posting giveaways, sponsored or ad post, and link parties…I’m not interested in. I recently realized that there are a few bloggers that I started following early on in my comeback to blogging, that do this. As I put more time, effort, and attention into my blog and growing it, I find myself turned off to theirs. Most blogs I follow I usually get some type of inspiration or motivation from. If the blog doesn’t compel me, then it falls off my radar and feed. This is why it is so important to me to post quality content and offer my readers the best of me as possible. I have best been able to do this by utilizing a posting schedule via my editorial calendar. I have an entirely different and more in depth post coming up on editorial calendar utilization, so stay tuned for that.

However, my question is what’s your take – quality over quantity? What techniques or tools do you use to ensure you are posting good content?

Can’t wait to hear!


12 thoughts on “Are You Consistient With Your Quality Posts?

  1. This is great advice! Thanks so much. I have been trying to do this lately, but it is certainly difficult to get started. Some days, I can sit down for 30 minutes and write 3 great posts, but other times, I can stare at the computer for hours and not come up with anything! I have been trying to “write ahead” so that I have things to post at least three times a week.

    Practice makes perfect, I guess! :)

    • Thanks so much and you’re welcome! I completely agree, there are those days when we are just plain stomped. I try to use those days as social media and networking days. We all get a little writers block, but writing ahead really does help. And yes, you are so right…practice make perfect. The more you do it, the better you get at it.

  2. I think it’s easy to get caught up in the networking and posting just to post. Other than co-hosting link-ups, I try to only post content I actually believe in and feel passionate about. I also try to remain focused on my intent with blogging (is it to gain followers? Or is it to serve as a creative outlet and a space to help other women?). Great post!! -Andrea
    Andrea recently posted…Flying With Baby: What I Learned

    • Thanks so much! That’s so awesome you have posts set to go. I have so many drafts on mines, but many of them are incomplete, but its a start and they’re organized. The editorial calendar really is a saving grace!

  3. Very informative posts. When I first started to reach readers outside my friends and family, I was writing almost every day, but now I write 1-2 times a week. I still don’t feel like I have a consistent schedule. I tend to write on Friday nights but I’ve that’s not a very good time to post to catch my Facebook readers. I try to stick to quality posts rather than quanity, but I bounce back and forth between writing for mothers and just journaling about my kids more for myself and family. Guess that’s where maybe I should think about having two different blogs. Found you on the link up. Going to start following now.
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    • Thanks so much! I try to pinpoint days in which its most worth while to post, but so far I really haven’t been able to. One week a Thursday will be a good days to post and reach out to readers, the next week it won’t. My blog is still relatively new, so I know it will take some time to develop reliable trends. Its great you’ve recognized so some extent the unfavorable times to reach out to your readers. To me I enjoy reading blogs in the blogger writes about different topics. To me is more of the content within the post, rather than the blogger sticking to only one subject all the time on their blog. I think its great that you write for mothers and journaling about your kids. The two go hand in hand, and at the end of the days I think many mothers can still relate even if you are just journaling about your kids. I honestly don’t think you need two different blogs, because your subject matters still relate. However, I know it is a personal decision as to the angle and tone you want for your blog(s).

      Thanks again for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and following!

  4. Quality for sure! I hate it when blogs just do giveaways or sponsored posts. Or stop talking about themselves. I know it gets tough and I don’t hate the bloggers that do it, I just hate the situation.

    I’ll follow you for sure, regardless of whether you do more or less posting.

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  5. I wrote 9 posts yesterday and scheduled them out in between sponsored content so my readers have substance at all times. I post 4 days a week so I hope it is beneficial for my readers to read and participate.

  6. This is an amazing post! I do try to do a little of all of the above, because I definitely don’t want to lose out on the quality of my content, especially when it comes to what I originally set my site up for. But I also need to add in a bit of income as well, because I want to continue to be a SAHM. Plus, I also want to add networking, without sacrificing my family life and it is a difficult balance sometimes. Thank you so much for stopping by and joining with us for This Momma’s Meandering Monday! :)
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  7. We do daily posts. This might seem a little unwieldy, but with two of us, it makes it a lot easier. We have many drafts as well as a weekly rhythm (Montessori Mondays, WWW Wednesdays, Review Fridays, Scrumptious Saturdays, and Weekly Wrap-Ups Sunday). Tues and Thur are just whatever else – organization, DIY, kids…..
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