1. I don’t get out the house as much any more, so my shopping habit has exponentially decreased.
2. No more trips to the drive-thru (see #1). Plus, with breastfeeding I’m eating even more healthy to give little all those good nutrients. This also means I’m cooking more often and buying fresh is cheaper than eating out.
3. Since I rarely leave the house (again, see #1), I wear the same few pairs of jeans and rotation of tops everyday. Laundry only happens about every two weeks now instead of weekly.
4. People love to buy the baby things, so I rarely have to. I buy things like the essentials; diapers, wipes, etc., but clothes and toys are usually gifted.
5. I spend less time on myself, and more time on everyone else.
Okay…so of course I’m being a little facetious here, but most of what I said is actually true. It’s the things that no one tells you about when you become a parent. My husband and I have a running joke about experiencing the many qualms of parenthood that no one tells you about, and that we know they’re secretly laughing at us now that we’ve become parents. Actually, most of the time they aren’t secretly laughing, they’re laughing right in our faces.
I used to always here horror stories about moms who were lucky if they got a shower or brushed their teeth on a given day. I will tell you that I do shower daily and brush my teeth. I refuse to be that mom and wife that doesn’t take time out for herself, to at least make herself look presentable. However, I don’t get these things and many others done as quickly or efficiently as I used to. Motherhood takes some getting used to, but I manage to find humor in this journey everyday…and sleepless night!
Just another chapter in my chronicle as a new mama!