I love random facts. As a matter of fact, I’m that person you want on your team when you’re playing trivial pursuit. I thought I’d tell you all 10 random things about me, well because I think its always fun to learn fun facts about people.
1. Bootcut jeans are my favorite cut of jeans. – I know everyone loves skinny jeans, but for the life of me I just can’t get with them. Funny, because I’m usually on top of all the fashion trends.
2. I tried to get the most out of college in the least amount of time. – I had a major, emphasis, and minor. In other news when people ask me what I have my degree in, I pretty much say an entire sentence.
3. I hate clusters of holes. – Okay let me explain. Things like beehives, hornet/wasp nests, and anything like that. Ugh! They give me the heebie jeebies, or as my husband says “they make my teeth itch”.
4. I file my nails several times a week. – I seriously file them like 3 times a week. To piggyback off of that, my finger and toenails grow extremely fast.
5. I love chocolate candy, but every so often I have to satisfy my fruity craving. – My favorite fruit candies are Skittles, Sour Patch Kids, and Gummy Bears/Worms. I also have affinity for gumballs. If you read any of my Top 10 list that I did when I was pregnant you probably already knew this.
6. I despise being cold! – My husband does too, so during the winter we keep our heat in the 75-80 range. Our gas bill was $200+ one time last winter.
7. I learned how to apply makeup from watching YouTube tutorials. – I used to actually do video tutorials myself, but in recent years I fell off from doing them. Between joining the military (and not wearing makeup daily) and having such a busy schedule, I’m lucky to even get a face of makeup on a typical day.
8. I’m super sensitive to smells. – I always have been. I have a strange phobia of smelling people’s body odor, especially breath. I oftentimes hold my breath when people are talking to me where it’s close enough for me to smell it. I’d rather not smell their breath, than to smell it and get a bad impression of them. First impressions are lasting.
9. I have a 3-step showering routine. – I wash my face first, then wash my entire body with my Dove unscented bar soap, then wash just my arms and legs with my fave Bath & Body Works shower gel. Oh yeah, and I only use Dove unscented bar soap and Bath & Body Works shower gels. No other brands.
10. I’m a meticulous clutterbug. – I have a hard time throwing away things. This includes physical and non-physical (like pictures on my phone or camera) things. However, I hate messes. So it’s controlled chaos usually. I have a bunch of stuff, but it organized neatly for the most part and I always (unless my husband moves it) know where everything is.
I’d love to read about your random facts! Feel free to link up yours below.
What was it like when you were pregnant, to already be a super smeller?? I struggled with that because I’m a super taster and a super smeller.
And oh my! 75-80 degrees!! I get hot at 71 and up. You crack me up. I Love these random facts.
Tamara recently posted…It Got Weird, Didn’t It?
Lol, I honestly don’t remember my smell being any worst while pregnant. I take it that the food aversions kind of took over my focus with that one.
Its so true about the heat though, my husband and I would freeze at 71. We’re Southerners, so anything below 70 is chilly to us. When its 70 degrees here in Ga, that’s sweater weather lol!
I love lists about people.
I also love the idea of using unscented bar soap and then something else on arms and legs. I’m stealing that idea! Thanks! 
Andrea recently posted…Be Gone, Supermom!
Your welcome! Thanks so much for dropping by!
I really hate being cold too…but I hate gas and electric bills even more so we still keep our heat pretty low and I just pile on the blankets! And I used to detest skinny jeans…for years after they became popular, but finally I tried them on and decided I liked how they looked!
Rachel G recently posted…Famous People
I’m so glad you can relate! I always fee like the odd lady out with some of my randomness!
What a great idea for a post! We may have to “borrow” this idea from you if you don’t mind
I hate the cold too! And in my full time job I have to sometimes stand outside for hours. No fun!
Kathy @ The Salvaged Boutique recently posted…metallic silver chevron side table
Thanks so much! I like to throw a light-hearted post in there every now and again. I hope your staying warm and that your job doesn’t have you standing outside too long anymore!
What a fun list! I’m not made for cold weather either!
Barbara recently posted…L’Ete
Very fun! I love random facts about people. I use to be a big fan of the bootcut jean but now I wear skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans daily. When I want to dress up my jeans I’ll wear bootcut. I’ve never been a big candy person but reading this made me want some Skittles, LOL!
Tia recently posted…This Blog In 2014…
Happy SITS day:) I’m with you on temperature.. I like it around 77 degrees. However, since I live in CT and we are having highs of around 18 degrees, heating the house this much is a bit beyond the budget. Ugh!
Seana Turner recently posted…Permission to “Pitch”
I’m also a clutterbug but hate messes. And I often get cravings for gummy candies, particularly the sour kind. Happy SITS day!
Bev recently posted…I just have to show off my baby annoucements
Visiting from SITS…What a great idea for a post! I love learning more about the SITSGirls! Let’s see…random facts about me…I am an identical twin who was adopted. I don’t like wearing makeup–the most I will wear is maybe mascara if I’m on camera (I used to have a tv show with my husband) and lip gloss. I’m at the point in my life where I’d rather make my own soap, facial lotion, etc than buy it from the store because of the chemicals in it. I’m gluten-free but I don’t have to be–I do it to support my husband–I do notice a difference in my overall health, though.
Nicole Nenninger recently posted…It’s Your Life–Let It Shine!
I do not like cold too! Here in Nigeria, it is quite warm, my husband loves cold hence the Air conditioner in our room is always on…. I try to get warm under the duvet…
Congrats on your feature day on SITS!
Ugochi recently posted…
I’m with you on the smell thing. I’m not a fan of being so close to someone that I can smell their breath. Kinda weird…unless it’s my husband.
another jennifer recently posted…Philanthropy Friday: The Evolved Dog
When I was pregnant with my second daughter I hated the smell of lettuce. I didn’t even know lettuce had a smell. My super sense of smell drives me crazy. I often can smell that something is off with the car before any other signs. My husband says, what’s wrong with the car and I say something like it smells green. That one was a failed gasket. I also have super hearing and it drives me crazy as a High School teacher. I definitely hear more than I want even when the little darlings whisper. I’m slightly color blind which is rare in a woman. Three is enough. Thanks for the fun. I think this is a future blog on my website. Enjoy your SITS Day.
Sheila Skillingstead recently posted…Chomp or Stomp
I never thought about watching youtube videos on how to put on make-up!! I’m not sure why but that is such a great idea – thank you
Great list of randomness. Enjoy your SITS day.
Allie recently posted…You Don’t Have To Be A Rocket Scientist To Train Me…
What a fun post! Bootcut jeans for me too. And I’m right with you on smell sensitivity too. Happy SITS day to you!
Pam recently posted…2013-A Very Strange Year
I love this list! We have a lot in common – chocolate, Dove soap, and bad breath fears to name a few. I have to say that I just switched to skinny jeans from boot cut this year, but I will only wear them with boots, not sneakers or other shoes – I still think they look funny any other way. so nice to meet you! Happy SITS day!
Beth @ Goodness Gracious Living recently posted…Meet Jen: My 300th Facebook Like!
Thanks so much! I actually tuck my bootcuts into jeans…just can’t get away from the bootcut. Maybe one day I’ll give in!
I despise things with holes! I saw something on a website…one of those debug the myth of a really weird picture. I won’t even link it. I don’t want you to live with that image. GROSS.
I also don’t do teeth. When they wiggle and are about to come out – SEE YA!
My voice teacher taught me to apply makeup and I wear nothing BUT boot cut jeans.
Here’s something most people don’t know about me…but I share it – I have a ton of tattoos. You wouldn’t think it because I come off as conservative, especially at church, where I cantor! EEEK! I like a dichotomy what can I say. Enjoyed my time here and happy SITS day!
Cristina recently posted…7 Quick Takes Vol. 12: Can I be Philothea, St. Francis de Sales? #7QT
See, I knew I wasn’t alone in my being grossed out about holes! LOL! I’m so glad to know I’m not alone in my randomness.
Good list! I can relate on the cold thing. My favorite was the ‘clusters of holes’ — too funny!!!
Susan Maccarelli recently posted…“Mommmmmeeee!!!”: 5 Ways To Shut Down Nighttime Call Outs
Thanks so much! I know, its so random and weird, but clusters of holes freak me out. I have no idea why, lol!
These are great – very random
I am always cold too – I have a jacket on in my house all winter. Then my son walks around in a t-shirt and shorts. Go figure! Hope you are having a great SITS day!
Dana recently posted…
LOL, thanks so much! That makes me think about my bestfriend who loves to have her air super low in the summer and wrap up in a thick blanket. One time in college we were hanging out watching a movie in her dorm room, and I fell asleep because my body pretty much started hibernating. I’m sure of it, lol! I guess I should have brought my blanket over and been more prepared.
I love posts like these…the ones that give you a glimpse into who the person behind the blog is. Number five is my favourite…I love chocolate, skittles, gummies and sour patch kids.
Tami recently posted…Quote of the week