#DisneySide @Home Celebration Box Unveil

Show Your Disney Side

I’m so excited to be hosting a #DisneySide @Home Celebration in the coming months and I just got my box filled with goodies on last Wednesday. I wanted to share the unveiling with you all and give you a sneak peak of what’s going to be happening at the party I’ll be hosting in my home with family and friends.

Disney is extra close to my heart, because my son’s baby shower was Disney themed. I also grew up going to Disney World every year and I’m a self-professed Disney kid. I can’t wait for my husband and I to take our kids to Disney World one day, but for now we can at least experience it @Home!


Mommy Guilt

MommyGuilt So I’m usually the oh-so informative blogger.  While I do share some personal thoughts, I tend to lean more towards information giving versus seeking.  However, I’m calling out to all moms out there now.  It’s a shameful subject, a scary one, at times a sad one.  Its:  Mommy Guilt!

To be honest, I never even heard of “mommy guilt” until I join the mom club.  I think the first time I ran across the term was at some point during my pregnancy.  I told myself, “That’s never gonna be me.”  I just knew I was gonna be that rockstar mom (and wife) who is able to pat her head and rub her belly all while cooking dinner, nursing a baby, and being a hot-smoking wife.  Well, I’m here to tell you that I just can’t get it all done.  Its been a harsh reality, because I’ve always been able to get it all done.  Oftentimes, I feel like the second I take my focus off my son, that I’m taking something away from him.   I feel like I should be engaging him non-stop ever waking hour that he’s awake.  Unrealistic:  Absolutely!

Its another one of those things that no one tells you about before you have children.  Either that, or I’m completely irrational in my mothering.  The slightest thing can trigger the mommy guilt.  You leave the room for two seconds to grab a glass of water or use the bathroom, and they start to stir.  Putting them down to sleep, walking away from the crib and you see their little faces already missing you.  Sometimes its too much for me.  They say you can’t spoil a baby, but I’m certain my son has me wrapped around his finger.  Its so hard, I always feel torn with what to do.  As a mother, I will always put my child first, but I’m sure a balance gets struck somewhere in all this.

Have you ever had “mommy guilt”?  If so, how have you dealt with it?


Gingham & Roses Link Up & Social Media Hop {4} #GinghamRoses


Hey everyone!  Welcome to the fourth week of Gingham & Roses Link Up & Social Media Hop.  All posts will be pinned to the Gingham & Roses board on to maximize exposure of your shared posts. Gingham & Roses is growing more and more with each passing week and I couldn’t be happier to share and connect with you all! I’m also extremely excited to have wonderful co-hosts who have helped Gingham & Roses to grow even more!  Check them out below and give them some support and comment love!

Gingham & Roses is a forum to allow bloggers to share, promote, and network.  I strongly believe in paying it forward, and one of the ways I can do that is to have a place for my blogging friends to meet.  It also always everyone with the opportunity to embrace each other work by visiting and promoting one another’s blogs. Please visit as many blogs as you can, give some comment love, connect via social media, and last but not least HAVE FUN!  That’s what Gingham & Roses is all about!


This week we are joined by our lovely Co-hosts:


Sandi from A New York Foodie

Anni from Anni’s Bubble

Julie from Don’t Lick Your Sister

Get the word out by sharing Gingham & Roses with all your friends:

Grab the Gingham & Roses button!

First time here?  Leave me a comment and let me know!

Open call for Co-hosting!  Want to Co-Host Gingham & Roses?  Email me at: to find out how!







Thanks so much for linking up with me this week!  I hope to see you back next week to share and connect.


{Co-Hosting} Social Media Saturday #3

Social Media Saturday link upWelcome to Social Media Saturday #3!
This link up was created to allow bloggers to find awesome new blogs, gain exposure and increase their social media fans & followers!
Below you can link up your blog, Twitter, Facebook, Bloglovin, Pinterest & Google+.
In order for this link up to be successful it requires participation from everyone linking up!
You must follow your host and costs
If you post your links, please be sure to follow at least 5 others!!! It is preferred that you follow everyone, as many of us will be following everyone on the list. PLEASE be courteous and follows others as well. Do not just post your links and run.

Rules for Participating:

  • Links can be added starting the Friday  before the link up begins.
  • Please follow your host & co-hosts.
  • To be fair, please follow others in each social media category you add your link.
  • Be sure to follow-back those who follow you.
  • Have fun and feel free to share the link up!
  • Use the hashtag #SocialMediaSaturday when mentioning this link up so that we can find your posts.
  • Be sure to leave a comment and let me know that you added & followed so that I can come back and follow you!

| | Bloglovin | |

Thank you for participating in the Social Media Saturday Hop! If you would like to sign up to share the HTML on your own blog, please emailStephanie @ and she will add you to the weekly list! :)
You will receive it first and be able to add your social media links as soon as you publish your post!:)

Its My SITS Day!

I’m so excited to be a featured blogger on The SITSgirls today!  I want to thank you all for stopping by and visiting my little corner of the web!  While your here, feel free to take a look around and get to know me, and all about my chronicles as a new mama.

Again, I’m so glad you stopped by and to be featured on SITS!  I invite and hope you’ll come back soon!


Freebie Friday | Happy Valentine’s Day Chocolate Bar Wrapper Printable


Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and who doesn’t love to get chocolate on the day to celebrate love?!  I’ve created this fun, cupid’s bow chocolate bar candy wrapper. It fits a standard size Hershey chocolate bar.  So dress up your Valentine’s Day favor with this oh so cute printable.

Get the printable .  There are two printables per page.  Instructions for how to use are on the printable. – Special note:  Not for commercial use.  Please do not sell, redistribute for purchase, or claim as your own.

Share the love!


5 Ways to Make Your Blog Better


As bloggers we’re always looking for ways to better our blog.  I tweak my own blog design on a nearly weekly basis to improve it, make it more appealing.  As I read through many blogs, I notice on going trends that could make them more appealing, easier to navigate, and appear cleaner and more professional overall.  These 5 tips are definitely not an end all, be all, but simply a few observations and tips I’ve come across to make my blog better.

So here goes: Continue reading