Who is your favorite character of all time?

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To be completely honest, I don’t have a single favorite character of all time.  I’m a huge movie buff, so I have tons of favorite characters from the many movies I love.  I’m more of a magazine reader than I am a book reader, with the exception of the Bible of course.  And when it comes to tv…well that’s pretty much right up there with movies.

I thought I’d show a few instead of one, since I have so many!   Seems fair, right?!

Ron Burgundy from Anchorman:  The Legend of Ron Burgundy

This guy is absolutely hilarious in the worst way!  He’s frank, candid, and misogynistic to the fullest, but the poor guy doesn’t know any better.  The same things that make him so ridiculous, make him so likable and funny.

Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada

I think everyone would love to know someone like Miranda Priestly.  She’s as mean as a snake, but the woman knows her stuff.  Only at that level of success and admiration can you get away with that.

Simba (& Nala) from The Lion King

Who doesn’t love these two?!  I’m a huge Disney fan, so I had to include at least one, or rather two characters from a movie.  I love their story, childhood friends, separated for some time only to reunite, fall in love, defeat the enemy, and start a new kingdom.  Classic love story!

Tiana from The Princess & The Frog

Yep, another Disney character, but I had to!  I love Tiana!  That girl worked hard and went through it, to find success and love.  Anybody that can triumph over being turned into a frog gets my vote!

LeeLoo from The Fifth Element

I mean, she was the Fifth Element…come on people!  The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies of all time.  Funny enough, I’m not a huge Sci-Fi fan at all.  As a matter of fact, I typically despise the Sci-Fi genre, but The Fifth Element is an exception.  As I digress, LeeLoo is pretty kick-a**, literally!  Not only does she sport a latex leotard and orange hair, but she can learn super fast, speak in her own language, and was the key the world not ending.  How can she not be a fave?!

I could go on and on, but I wouldn’t want to bore you all with my obsession of movies.  Do you have a favorite character of all time?  Are they from a movie, tv show, or book? – I’d love to hear!

NaBloPoMo November 2013


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