New Year Cleaning Resolution Tips + Printable #LiquidMuscle

This New Year cleaning resolution tips post is brought to you by Mr. Clean as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post.


Its extremely important to me to keep my house super clean, especially with having my 3 month old son.  Cleaning is endless when you have a baby, there’s no way around it.  Now we all know I don’t make New Year Resolution’s, but more or less practice what I preach daily.

Its so easy to get caught up with the ten thousand things that need to be done everyday.  Before we know it, there are loads of laundry to be done, bathrooms to clean, dishes to do, and floors to sweep and mop.  A while back I wrote a post on how to declutter and organize your home, but I didn’t touch on how to manage keeping a clean home in the post.

So here’s a few tips: Continue reading