Gingham & Roses Link Up & Social Media Hop {2} #Gingham&Roses

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Hey everyone!  Welcome to the second week of Gingham & Roses Link Up & Social Media Hop.  Beginning this week all blog post linked up will be pinned to the on Pinterest to further maximize exposure.

I excited you are here and can’t wait to connect and share with you!

Gingham & Roses was created as a forum to allow bloggers to share, promote, and network.  I strongly believe in paying it forward, and one of the ways I can do that is to have a place for my blogging friends to meet.  It also always everyone with the opportunity to embrace each other work by visiting and promoting one another’s blogs.

Please visit as many blogs as you can, give some comment love, connect via social media, and last but not least HAVE FUN!  That’s what Gingham & Roses is all about.


This week we are joined by two lovely Co-hosts:

imageMaria from Simple Natured Décor Blog

Social Media Saturday Link Up

Stephanie from So Simple Stephanie

Get the word out by sharing Gingham & Roses with all your friends:

Grab the Gingham & Roses button!


First time here?  Leave me a comment and let me know!

Want to Co-Host Gingham & Roses?  Email me at: to find out how!

Thanks so much for linking up with me this week!  I hope to see you back next week to share and connect.


2 thoughts on “Gingham & Roses Link Up & Social Media Hop {2} #Gingham&Roses

  1. I am following you via Bloglovin . I found you via So Simply Stephanie’s Social Media Hop. There are so many awesome posts on your site and I have been enjoying reading through them before I posted here.
    I am glad I found your site. I love discovering great new sites.
    Bella’s Shelf recently posted…Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer

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