*Co-Hosting* Wonderful Wednesday Link Party #3

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Welcome To The Wonderful Wednesday Link Party #3

Wonderful Wednesday Link Party Can you believe Christmas is only a few days away! This is week four of our Wonderful Wednesday Link Party. This week I am co-hosting this link party with Two Chics and a Blog and Jessie Jo At Home. If you are interested in co-hosting, email Two Chics and a Blog at . By co-hosting you will have your blog button placed in their sidebar for 1 month and they will include up to four links to your social media sites. Wonderful Wednesday Link Party Call for CoHosts

We’d love for you to follow your host and co-hosts!

Two Chics And A Blog button with chics

Connect with Two Chics and a Blog


Connect with Jessie Jo At Home


Connect with Jessie Jo At Home

Now on to our featured post from last week’s party. Remember if you were featured, grab one of the “I Was Featured” Buttons below.

Crockpot Quinoa Stuffed Peppers from Shrinking Inkdgirl.

quinoa stuffed peppers

November Reading List by Kims Kandy Kreations.

November Reading List

Let it Snow Winter Wreath by Exploring Domesticity.


Two Chics and a Blog


Rules for the Party

* Please follow your host, Two Chics and a Blog and leave a comment letting us know how you followed us so that we can follow you back. * Please visit at least 3 other links and let them know you are stopping by from the Wonderful Wednesday Link Party. * Link up your recipes, crafts or DIY projects. Please link something that you made or a post that you wrote. No giveaways or shops, please. * Please note that by linking up your posts and projects you are giving Two Chics and a Blog and any co-hosts we may have, permission to use your photos in the featured posts and possibly on our social media outlets. All photos will be linked back to your sites and your posts. * Please share the party on social media, however you feel comfortable. This helps get the word out about the party and brings more visitors for all of us!

We’d love for you to share our Link Party Button on your page!

Two Chics and a Blog



And Now For The Party