Pregnancy Belly | Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies | NewMamaDiaries.comRed Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies 

I had actually been eyeing these for a while, as well as those delicious looking red velvet brownies that I always see on Pinterest.  I decided to finally try out one of these recipes, but as you all know I always put my own spin on it.  Usually this spin is just adding more vanilla extract and chips to the recipe, lol, but hey its still a spin.  I have to say they turned out delightful, although rich like red velvet always is.  The recipe I used was super easy and inexpensive, and took less than 30 minutes to put together.

What I used:
1 box of Red Velvet cake mix.  I used Duncan Hines
8 oz of cream cheese.  I used Philadelphia, but any good quality kind will work just as good.
1/2 cup of unsalted butter
1 egg
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
2 cups of white chocolate chips

How I did it:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Beat together the cream cheese and butter until well combined. Beat in the egg and vanilla. Add the cake mix and beat until well combined. Stir in the chocolate chips.
Roll dough into tablespoon sized balled and place on a non-stick cookie sheet or one lined with parchment. Bake for 9-11 minutes, the top and outside of cookie will be set, but the center will be moist and gooey.  Once cookies cool, they will have a moist, gooey, yet fluffy airy texture.  They hold together very well, but are very light and the taste is oh so rich!

Cool before eating, especially because of the gooey center these cookies need a minute or so to set up.




Hope you enjoy!

Happy bumping!


Pregnancy Belly | Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting from
This is a total pregnancy craving post, I make no other excuses.  I won’t be putting this icing on a cake, brownies, cookies, or anywhere else but my mouth, lol!  Although I do have to say that I’ve always had a love of icings and frosting.  It goes hand in hand with my love of batters.  Unfortunately, right now I’m having to abstain from eating my batters, since eating raw eggs are a no-no during pregnancy.  Can October come soon enough!?  Haha…just kidding, but I am super excited to meet my kid and eat cake batter and cookie dough again.  I know, I know, you say you can just make the eggless kind or dip and dabble in the batter or dough before you put the egg in.  NOT THE SAME!  I need the raw eggs!  Okay, okay…let me tune it down a bit and get back on subject.

So I’m kind of a plain Jane when it is comes to icing, frosting, and fillings.  I’m not a huge fan of fruit flavored ones or ones with coconut or any other gritty ingredient in them.  I stick to good old fashioned vanilla, so that is what I will be sharing with you today.
What you need:
1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar
1 and 1/4 stick of unsalted butter
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoons whipping cream or milk
How you do it:
In a standing mixer fitted with a whisk, mix together sugar and butter. Mix on low speed until well blended and then increase speed to medium and beat for another 3 minutes.
Add vanilla and cream and continue to beat on medium speed for 1 minute more, adding more cream if needed for spreading consistency.
*Careful not to over mix and keep the speed of your mixer no higher than medium.
Takes less than 15 mins to put together.  
This recipe only makes about a cup of frosting, so if you are using it to ice a cake double or triple the ingredients.  I use this recipe for my quick sugar fix, not for actual baked goods.  It sets up nicely and would work great on a cake or cupcakes.  You can add cocoa to it or any flavor you wish.  The texture is light, fluffy, and smooth.


Happy bumping!


Pregnancy Belly | Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies

Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yep, I’m back with another delicious recipe!  Chocolate chip cookies are my absolutely favorite cookies in the world.  There is no other cookie like it, that matches up to it, that IS IT!
I’ve made these cookies going on 4-5 years now.  The one big difference in my cookies rather than traditional chocolate chip cookie recipes is that I use shortening and a bit more vanilla than most recipes call for.
So, without further ado:
  • 3/4 cup of Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening
  • 1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons milk
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 3/4 cups All Purpose Flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 – 1 1/2(6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 cup)

*The main recipe is adapted from Crisco’s recipe for Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies, but like I said I add a little extra of my fave ingredients like vanilla and chocolate chips.

  1. HEAT oven to 375ºF.
  2. COMBINE shortening, brown sugar, milk and vanilla in large bowl. Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Beat in egg. Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Mix into shortening mixture until just blended. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
  3. DROP by rounded measuring tablespoonfuls 3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet.
  4. BAKE 8 to 10 minutes for chewy cookies, or 11 to 13 minutes for crisp cookies. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheet on a cooling rack. Remove cookies to rack to cool completely.


  1. DRIZZLE: Melt 1 cup semi-sweet or white chocolate pieces with 1 teaspoon shortening over very low heat. Stir well. If too thick to drizzle, add 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon more shortening to thin. Drizzle from end of spoon back and forth over cookie. Sprinkle with nuts before chocolate hardens. To harden chocolate quickly, place in refrigerator for a few minutes.
  2. DIP: Spoon melted chocolate into custard cup. Dip one end of cooled cookie halfway up in chocolate. Sprinkle with finely chopped nuts before chocolate hardens, or drizzle with contrasting white or dark chocolate. Place on wax paper.

As you can see this recipe does not call for any white granulated sugar which is a little different from most recipes I’ve come across.  I find that without the granulated sugar, the result is a chewy, moist, and dense cookie.

These can be made into bars or large rounds, so get as creative as you want with them.
Give them a go, I can assure you that they won’t disappoint!
Happy bumping!

Pregnancy Belly | Caramelized Banana Ala Mode

I actually can not take any credit for this particular post, all of it belongs to my husband.  He loves desserts like this and did this one completely on his own.  Right before he indulged in this decadent comfort food treat, I asked him if I could snap a shot of it to feature on my blog.  Clearly I’m not the only dessert maker in the house, although I am the better one :-)

Unfortunately, my palette is not as refined as his and is quite plain, especially for someone who loves to cook and bake.  Nonetheless, I’m happy that he’ll pretty much eat anything, because that means he gets to be my Guiney pig when it comes to taste testing.  I do have to admit that the caramelized bananas look delicious and hubs said they tasted even better than they looked.  He actually said they were better than ones he’d had years back in college at the dining hall (according to him his college had a really good dining hall).

2 tbsp Butter
2 sliced Bananas
2tbsp Brown Sugar

Melt butter in a skillet. Add sliced bananas and brown sugar. Cook until golden and syrupy, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle the bananas with cinnamon and serve over ice cream.
Recipe takes about 10 mins to prepare
Recipe from

Happy Bumping!

