The Mother of All Meltdowns Book Review

“Every mother, at some point, inevitably becomes her own worst enemy. In a millisecond, her halo crumbles and she has a moment so crazed it is forever known as the one…The Mother of All Meltdowns. The following anthology was written by women who have had their moments. Together we have experienced the anguish and frustration of the adult-sized tantrum. We have shed the tears, dropped to our knees in agony, and asked the age-old question, “Why me?” From poop-decorated rooms to having our liquid gold scrutinized and confiscated by TSA, we’re not afraid to share our collection of thirty tell-all stories. We are survivalists and know that within every meltdown there is a silver lining.”

The Mother of All Meltdowns was by far one of the most fun books I’ve ever read.  It took me a little longer than usual to read it with being so busy with my newborn son, but it was well worth it!  I read it many times during my late night nursing sessions with my son, and I must say it really helped.  While being dead dog tired, I was able to pop on my deemly lite iPad and enjoy a few laughs while my son filled his belly.

Being a new mom, this book was so fitting and relevant to me.  I could relate to many of the stories, and the others…well I’m sure I’ll be able to relate in no time.  I laughed and cringed, and thought to myself “That will be me one day.”.  Every expectant mom, new mom, and parent in general should read The Mother of All Meltdowns.  Its reminds you that you’re not in this game called parenting alone.

Its so easy to get discouraged and be uncertain about being a mother.  In the two months I’ve been a mom, I’ve gone through so many highs and lows.  Reading The Mother of All Meltdowns let me know that what I was experiencing was normal, and that every other mother has been through it as well.  I will definitely be re-reading it and I hoping for a part 2 in the near future!

is available on Amazon in paperback and for download on Amazon Kindle.  It is written by Crystal Ponti, who blogs over at and a slew of contributing bloggers.


Create a Children’s Book with Blurb

If you’ve ever dreamed of creating your own children’s book, here’s your chance!  You’re never to old to read a children’s book OR to make one! That’s why Blurb is the perfect option to make your dreams of writing your own book come true.   Blurb is offering 10% off right to create your very own children’s book.
Creating a Children’s Book with Blurb is as easy as ABC

Making a Blurb children’s book is a great way to get in touch with your inner child and free your creativity in unexpected ways. You don’t have to have everything figured out when you start… Maybe you just have the kernel of an idea, or a few funny sentences or quick sketches. The important thing is to let your imagination run wild. Free the book (and the kid) within. Take your ideas to Blurb today and get 10% off using the code: TENPERCENT until 9/22.  You can start creating your book here today!

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*This post contains affiliate links

Back To School Bookmark Printables

Back To School Bookmark Printables |

I’m back with another free printable.  This time its bookmarks, because reading is fundamental. 
I used to read books all the time when I was younger, but have sense resorted to magazines and online reading.  I’d like to get back to actually reading books, and what better inspiration than a lovely bookmark.
Back To School Bookmark Printables |
I wanted to share a few that I put together with you, in hope that it will inspire you to read as well.  I’m sure most of your are much more disciplined and diligent than me, and read all the time.  Nonetheless, I hope these inspire you or that you find them useful in your reads.

Download the file . – Please take note that these are for personal use only!  I would never charge for these, so please don’t take them and try to use them for commercial use.  This is why they are FREE for use. :-)

Happy Reading!

Tenns Sig

Back To School Book Label Printables

This Book Belongs To Label | *For personal use only*

Even though I don’t have a little one starting school this month, I wanted to contribute to Back To School time with these super cute printables.  When I was a kid, I didn’t personalize my books or binders with fun crafty labels, I wish I did though.  I did, however, have some awesome book covers that I’d cover my textbooks with.  I even did the brown bag trick and made my own.  Back in the day, there were no desktop publishing programs to create refined labels and images on.  Now there are and kids, parents, and teachers alike can create and take advantage of being able to personalize pretty much anything they use for school.
This Book Belongs To Label | *For personal use only*
I have made these printables available in a PDF format for easy sharing.  You can print these directly from the PDF onto shipping labels.  I used the MS Word 8163 template for the labels, in the measurements are 2”x4”.  This is the perfect size, because its not too small that someone could miss and its not too big to take up space on a book or binder.

You can download the file . – Please take note that these are for personal use only!  I would never charge for these, so please don’t take them and try to use them for commercial use.  This is why they are FREE for use. :-)

I will be making more printables coming up, so check back often!

P.S:  I can personalize this template for you, just shoot me an email.  I can change the name of the where you are putting the label, i.e. instead of book, I can put binder, pencil box, etc.

Happy Back to Schooling!


What I’m Reading…

I was bored on Sunday night before falling asleep and thought…hmm, let me go on Amazon and order pregnancy books.  Prior to ordering these three books, I only had one other pregnancy book…the famous What To Expect When Your Expecting.  I actually received it after taking an early pregnancy class from the facilitators.  I had purchased the electronic copy of the book, but didn’t have the physical copy and honestly I didn’t plan on buying a physical copy.  I’ve skimmed through the book, but haven’t read it cover to cover in detail.  I love reading on the internet and magazine, but when it comes to physical books, I’m not very disciplined.  Well, given that pregnancy is the one topic that I can never learn enough about, I figured I’d commit to reading these.  I received them on Wednesday evening, so I haven’t had time to dive into them yet, but plan to this weekend. 

I’m particularly interested in reading the Ina May Gaskin books, because she is a legend in the midwifery industry.  She was featured and raved about by Ricki Lake in The Business of Being Born.  I also picked up Ricki Lake’s book Your Best Birth, because from watching The Business of Being Born, I’m really interested to see what she’s saying and if its an extension of some sort of The Business of Being Born. I will be posting my thoughts as I read through each one, so stay tuned!

Happy Bumping!