Back To School Book Label Printables

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This Book Belongs To Label | *For personal use only*

Even though I don’t have a little one starting school this month, I wanted to contribute to Back To School time with these super cute printables.  When I was a kid, I didn’t personalize my books or binders with fun crafty labels, I wish I did though.  I did, however, have some awesome book covers that I’d cover my textbooks with.  I even did the brown bag trick and made my own.  Back in the day, there were no desktop publishing programs to create refined labels and images on.  Now there are and kids, parents, and teachers alike can create and take advantage of being able to personalize pretty much anything they use for school.
This Book Belongs To Label | *For personal use only*
I have made these printables available in a PDF format for easy sharing.  You can print these directly from the PDF onto shipping labels.  I used the MS Word 8163 template for the labels, in the measurements are 2”x4”.  This is the perfect size, because its not too small that someone could miss and its not too big to take up space on a book or binder.

You can download the file . – Please take note that these are for personal use only!  I would never charge for these, so please don’t take them and try to use them for commercial use.  This is why they are FREE for use. :-)

I will be making more printables coming up, so check back often!

P.S:  I can personalize this template for you, just shoot me an email.  I can change the name of the where you are putting the label, i.e. instead of book, I can put binder, pencil box, etc.

Happy Back to Schooling!


10 thoughts on “Back To School Book Label Printables

    • Thanks so much! I had such a good time creating these, I’ll definitely be posting more. I seriously wish I’d had some of these back when I was in school, lol!

  1. These will be so awesome for my daughter’s things!! She’s starting Kindergarten, so I’m sure there won’t be text books, but I’ll slap them on every notebook, folder, lunchbox, etc!!! Thanks so much fro sharing these!

    Kate @ Uniquely Undone

    • Oh wow! You must be so excited and her too! I’m glad you’ll be able to use these even though she won’t have any textbooks. The best thing you can have is unique labels on everything, because that way she’ll and everyone else in her class will that her things are hers and not be mistaken for anyone elses.

      I hope she has a wonderful year!

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