Baby Shower Version 1.0 {Recap}

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Baby Shower 2.0

This post is list 3 weeks overdue!  I actually wanted to take my time and type out this post, so that I could paint the best picture possible.  Okay, not really, I just knew it was going to be a long post and have been procrastinating to write it.  I already have another post in my drafts about organizing baby shower gifts, so that on will be up soon.  The thing of it is that I have another shower coming up in two weeks and that one will, I’m sure, be completely different than my first one.

I sent the invites out last week, so everyone should be busy RSVP’ing at this point.  Fortunately, my mom is taking care of all the RSVPs so I don’t have to deal with that aspect of the shower.  I did hand make the invites, save-the-dates, and thank you cards, and help out financially as well, so I definitely had my hands in the mix.  My mom, bless her, handled about 80% of the shower planning.  She booked the venue, did the favors, and put together most of the guest list.  Mom did consult me on the menu, favors, theme, etc, etc, etc… So again this shower coming up will be completely different than the one I had over the 4th of July weekend.

Hubs & I got in town on the Wednesday before the shower to spend time with the fam and celebrate the 4th.  We went and saw Kevin Hart’s comedy special Let Me Explain with his bestfriend and his sister and to a cookout with the parental units and my sister-in law on the 4th.  The following day, we went to the mall, had lunch, and stopped by Hubby’s old job to say hey to his former boss.  She was really nice and excited about the baby.  We retreated back to the house for the remainder of the evening, where we watched tv and played with the dogs.

The next day, the big day , everyone got up and out and let me to my own devices at the house.  Even Hubs was commissioned to help set up and run errands for getting the shower underway.  He unfortunately did not get a chance to rest all morning like I did.  I was able to wake up, catch up on some blog reading, watch some tv, take a bubblebath, get dressed, and just relax.  No one would let me help :-/  I’m not used to being in such a position, but I did embrace it and sat back and relaxed.

My Mom and brother came down to the shower, and they arrived about an hour and a half before the event.  Hubs and his parents got home in the nick of time to change over and head back out to the shower.  His parents left a little bit before we did, and Hubs & I, and Mom and bro left.  We arrived at a really nice clubhouse decorated with the super cute bubblebee theme.

I even got a corsage!


And of course we were dressed to the nine I our yellow and black, in homage to the bumblebee theme. – Check out the tiara I got and ribbon Hubs got! ;-)


Sissy in-law made this adorable diaper wreath. – Girl has skills!


Mom & I


We ate, we laughed, we played games, and of course we opened presents!

Did I just say presents?! Yep!


We drove home with a carload, yep 10 hours back to Va with all this!  I unpacked and organized the following day.  We left the stroller, crib, and changing table at my in-laws, so we will eventually get that when we are ready to set up the nursery.  Hub & I couldn’t believe how much stuff we got, especially considering that we were getting two showers.  My in-laws and sissy in-law took most of the pics, so I’ve only included a few my bro took from my phone.

Overall, it was a lovely shower and I didn’t have to lift a finger.  That was the best part!  It was really so lovely so have so many people be excited for us and the baby.  I felt so blessed and can’t wait for the next one (that is shower, not baby…not quite yet, lol!).

Stay tuned for version 2.0 in about two weeks.

Happy bumping!


3 thoughts on “Baby Shower Version 1.0 {Recap}

  1. Thanks so much, we did get a lot of good stuff! We’re so excited and are gearing up for shower #2 in about two weeks.

    I really appreciate you stopping by. Have a great day as well!


  2. Pingback: Creating The Perfect Registry for Your Baby Shower - New Mama Diaries

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